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Rafael siliciuss
B. Sc. Mech Eng | Computer Science | Digital Transformation | Innovator

Silicius Ltd

Jason Kiel Wells BinaryAtoms

Lost & Found Treasures Hemet CA

Dale Weber hybotix
I design and build small to medium-sized autonomous robots. I am also addicted to programming languages and like to try out new ones.

San Diego, CA

N. Villafruela Villafruela
Serial Maker & Prototyper | Teacher | Fabmanager

Ecole des Mines de Paris France

yangfengzzz yangfengzzz
GPGPU, Graphics and Simulation


Swapnil Mishra swapnilmishraj

@SchweizerischeBundesbahnen Switzerland

Andrew Alson andrewalson

Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Dr.Harsh Maithani harshmaithani
Robotics Engineer | PhD in Physical Human-Robot Interaction

BSH Bad Neustadt, Germany

Ruben Vidal Combuster54
Mechatronics Engineer | Roboticist | C++ | Simulations
9'Phu Phuwaset


Yash Nasit yash8003
👋 Hi, I'm Yash Nasit, a passionate 3rd-year robotics engineer with a deep enthusiasm for the Robot Operating System (ROS2) and its impact on modern robotics.
Prach Tech Prach07
AP7TECH2020 | ROBOT | AI | IOT | NETWORK SECURETY ,Programming C++ , Python

AP7TECH2020 Thailand

Faiaz Azmain fazmain
Sophomore CS major trying to debug life

Shiree Private Limited Wooster, Ohio

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Organize humanity, within the constraint of active guaranteed equality and physical safety as well as the right to time, by voluntary association.

Voluntaria Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Xin Li ayawaya2014
He is now with Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, China. His research interests include Logistics, Robotics, and Control Theories.

SHMTU Shanghai, China.

Suren Atoyan suren-atoyan
Researcher / Software Engineer @basetenco (building AI infrastructure) / founder of CyberFusion (crafting the robotic future) / just a human being

@basetenlabs Yerevan, Armenia

JimFyyc jimf99 (I seldom Stream or do YouTube stuff)

-na- YYC = Calgary Alberta Canada airport code

Phạm Công Tráng PhamCongTrang
Autonomous Mobile Robot

Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Jordy Alejandro Larrea Rodriguez CasuallyAlive
Probably coding myself into an existential crisis. Electrical and Computer Engineering Robotics BS/MS student at University of Utah.

University of Utah

SHINE gxushine

Guangxi University shanghai