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Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Facundo Espinosa faqndo97
I love to code and coffee. Sometimes I play music and games. Building the future or ... feature 🤔

Montevideo, Uruguay

Charlton Trezevant chtzvt
Voted "huge birds guy". Jazz man. Software therapist. Co-founder @TampaDevs, @packfiles.

@Packfiles Tampa, Florida

Peterson Paris parispeterson89-ops

$3LF M4D3 M4N Brazil

Muhammad Nawzad muhammadnawzad
Software Developer at Department of Information Technology - KRG

@ditkrg Erbil, Iraq

rsmokeUM rsmoke
app developer - programming business logic - helping units run

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mi

Phil Reynolds phil-6
Head of Software Development @ Ryalto

Ryalto Swansea

Pidav Pidav

la celle saint cloud

Jesse Clark cornhusker
A developer / manager / human from the Cornhusker state.

Omaha, NE

Dainel Vera acidtib
i like cats, programming, and you.

Denver, CO

Marco Roth marcoroth
Rubyist, Full-Stack Devloper and Open Source Contributor

Basel, Switzerland