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Vishesh Gupta Vishesh-Gupta
Innovating solutions to world problems to make life easier for people working with daily tools. Ex @clear-street. Ex-@monoceros

Fun Employed @ Home New Delhi

Michael Scott Hertzberg moimikey

?! Washington, DC

Kyle Chamberlain Koleok
Generalist focused on distributed system design and high performance frontends

@ipdotworld internet

KingOfDevil lerlar
King Is Back

Freedom Thailand

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


近藤 晴輝 HarukiKondo


Weston Nelson westonnelson
Non-fungible human.


Matt Oldfield asmattic
Curious. Open minded. Drummer. React (et. al.) Dev. Physics B.A. Music Festival Organizer/Enthusiast. Here to make and appreciate cool stuff

Tampa, FL

Milad Nekofar nekofar
I'm a self-taught Software Developer and a Freelancer.

Freelancer Middle East

Jensen Yap jensenity
Data Software Engineer 🧡 🐈 👧🏻 🍩 🍪 💻

@FlipsideCrypto Seoul, South Korea

whale_hunter whalehunting
Passionate about analyzing onchain data, building fancy dashboards and crafting subgraphs 🔬📊👨‍🔬


Dreamsome onesuper
Data sheepdog, tool for thought
