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Gonçalo Ribeiro GoncaloRibeiro6533
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering Student @ ISEL

Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa Lisbon, Portugal

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Guilherme Castel-Branco castellbranco
🚀 Software Developer & Data Engineer | Passionate about LLMs, Databricks, and Python | 2+ years of experience building innovative


iogrt iogrt
Functional programming advocate, Scala for work, Haskell for fun!


Rodolfo Santos rodolfosantos
Software Engineer @ Portugal


Diogo Gaspar shadowoff09
Fullstack Developer

Polytechnic of Leiria

Filipe Silva filipedpsilva
Front End Developer @ Bring Digital

Bring Global - Bring Digital Ilha Terceira, Azores, PT

Daniel Ribeiro danielmribeiro
Playing cosmic creator in the Bug Bang 🪲 codeverse.🌌


João São Pedro ordepoas
I am currently integrated in a team of development for customization Fulfillment One from AlticeLabs to Altice


rodrigo rdsilva01
Computer Science and Engineering @ UBI ;;

Universidade da Beira Interior Portugal

Ricardo Vitorino rjvitorino
Product Manager | Python & GIS for smart cities | Driving software solutions globally | 🌐 hello [at] ricardovitorino [dot] com

Ubiwhere Coimbra, Portugal

Ricardo Silva ricardooandree
Soon to be software engineer

Student at NOVA-SST Lisbon, Portugal

Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


João jmsbs
Mostly Data Engineering and DS/ML related personal projects.

Lisbon, Portugal

João Neves joaopedroneves98
Software Engineer @LetsGetChecked @jneves-lgc

LetsGetChecked Porto, Portugal

Ângelo Paiva TheForgottened
Software Engineer

ARPA Elastic Solutions

Osvaldo osvik

@greenpeace Madrid

Francisco fbw1

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics

Aida GG Vivarte9
I'm a multimedia technician with a taste for web design. I'm a creative, committed, dedicated and autonomous person.


João Castro jffcastro
Software Engineer @, Flutter Entertainment Plc Portugal

Gabriel Tomás Pasadas Brilha gabrielbrilha

Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon Portugal

Ratmir Mukazhanov ratmir-delas
Emerging software developer


Luís Rodrigues luisrodrigues
✈️ 🖥️ ☕ 🇵🇹

MAN Engineering Hub Porto, Portugal

Diogo Piçarra dipicarra
2nd Year LTI student @fcul


António Pedro antonio-pedro99
Software Engineer | Ex-Undergraduate Researcher at IIITD's MIDAS Lab | LFX mentee'23 at CNCF working on Strimzi | OpenHack'2

Devexperts Angola, Luanda

Micael Carvalho MicaelMCarvalho
SW&QA Freelancer Engineer - on Bluesky

Mirazal LDA Portugal

JOTA joaocouto-ifthenpay
Software Engineer 🚀 | @ifthenpay 👨‍💻 | PHP Doc Contributor

@Ifthenpay Portugal

Hugo Poças zorkpt
Software Developer, working as a full stack developer. At the moment focusing on going deep on web development.

@Pluricosmética Braga

Ricardo Tavares t-var-s
app dev · data-wrangler · ux designer · blue team

Shake It Porto, Portugal

Ivo Pereira IvoPereira
Web & Mobile Applications Developer and Security Enthusiast 🖥 | Founder @devpt-org

@Ongagement Portugal

RezZ' rezzmk
Software Engineering | Cybersecurity


João Marques JoaoMarques-023
Coding my way through life, one bug at a time 🐛💻

Natixis in Portugal

Vasco Magolo VascoMagolo
Co-founder and CEO at ISION, Currently learning more about coding & LoRa and making some projetcs.
