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MarHex mehran-marhex
Hi, I'm Marhex. Welcome to my GitHub. I Work on Three Areas : Trading Robots Development,Django Web Development and Data Science by Microservice Architecture.


Amurru Zerouk amurru
Cyber Ops

Amuru Kingdom

mamali mamalijojo
python developer for fun


Nia.Peng NiaPeng
Android Developer

Coinex SZ

Mahmoud Hosseinipour Dizgah
C++ enthusiastic


陈简舟 ssuchichan

凯申物流 马来西亚,槟城

Android JAVA CPP C Python. Just search in Repositories or likes. فقط جستجو کنید
govet.eth goveteth
Software Engineer and Crypto Enthusiast


Erich Garcia Cruz n3omaster
Passionate Entrepreneur, current @qvapay CEO, creating one startup every year.

QvaPay Illinois, US

sirvan sirvanhabibi
i'm fullStack in .net