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Iris Zhou iriszhou-iyz
cs & astro @ uc berkeley πŸ’»πŸͺ

aws berkeley, ca

Spencer Kim soon-dubu
Berkeley CS 28 | HM 24 | NYC -> Bay
jade wang jadewang26
cs @ uc berkeley :>
Aneri Sheth anerisheth1
EECS @ UC Berkeley

Zoox Berkeley, CA


Fortune and son laws lome

Adam Abecid
Generative Models & 3D

UC Berkeley

Nate d. natdosan
' πŸ€ 🐐' = [23, 23, 24, 30, 35]

La Jolla

Maggie Yi jiaheyi-maggie
UC Berkeley '23 Applied Math & CS

Berkeley, California

Alicia Wang aliwang2001
Software Engineer at Stripe
Alvin Xu alvin-xu-5745

UC Berkeley California