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Michael Vargas AztecWarlord
Learning and applying Knowledge everyday!


📚 Zoltan HΞRCZΞG 📚 zoltanherczeg21
Book lover • Amateur blogger • Minimalist entrepreneur

Buy Me a Coffee Medium

0xPuncker 0xPuncker
🛠️ Platform Engineer 👨🏻‍💻 Backend Developer


chenqian ynuchenqian
I graduated from the Software Engineering Department of the School of Software, Yunnan University. I am currently a software engineer.


Hong JaeHoon Bu-Du-Dak

EAN_TEC Seoul, Republic of Korea

Luke Hardiman lukehardiman

Southern Africa Travel Cape Town

The future of decentralized finance is here. Meet GXQ Studio—the cutting-edge blockchain platform powering the next generation of flash loan trading.

GXQ Las Vegas