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DEVserjao SergioDevSousa
Tecnologia é atrativo pra todos, devido sua interatividade e criatividade. Pra mim tecnologia é fascinante por contribuir às atividades das pessoas.

Alura | DIO | UNIFATECIE Paraíba

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Muhammad Ali Noor muhammadalinoor-1982
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, GenerativeAI Engineering

gpractice Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Md. Jahidul Islam Jahid458
Apiring Frontend Developer

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tanjim Hossain audacioustux
Researcher @ĀloLabs

@nobinalo Dhaka, Bangladesh

Justin Onyeanula jonyeanu123

NTT Data Orange Connecticut

Nelson Benevides benevides

Førge Sistemas São Paulo

Marcelo Abreu desigua
Amo tecnologia e tenho muito prazer em ajudar as pessoas.

Belo Horizonte

Gabriel Luiz gabrielluizbh
Escrevo artigos técnicos no e Microsoft MVP - Cloud and Datacenter Management

Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil

Manmohan J Mundhra mmmsonu
Solution Architect * Experience : 17+ * Technologies : C#, WebAPI, sql server, Dotnet Core, Microservices, NoSQL * Domain : eCommerce, Financial, Health Insu

Wissen Inftotech Bangalore, India

Leandro Barbosa lebarbos
Cloud Solution Architect at Microsot

Microsoft Curitiba - PR

Alfredo alfxp
Work with system development for more than 18 years.
Luke Murray lukemurraynz
Technical Consultant, Azure Solutions Architect Expert, Microsoft Azure MVP & Technologist.

Hamilton, New Zealand