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Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Dylan Kinnett dylan-k
writer. web developer. museum professional.

Walters Art Museum Baltimore, MD

Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Valentina Osorio valentina-osorio5
Full stack developer leveraging a strong communications background - Typescript | React.js | Express.js | Node.js | HTML5 | Tailwind CSS

New York, NY

denshipilov shipilovden
I am an artist from Siberia and a creator of space in metaverse

Gallery20 Sibiria, Novokusnetsk sity

Brody Smith brodysmith1
Designer, developer, project guy.


Alec LeFors alec-lefors
Web Developer/Software Engineer
ernesto fuentes ernestto

Develop Site Madrid

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Nathan Drezner ndrezn
Technical PM @plotly. Previously managing Professional Services at Plotly.

@plotly Montréal, QC

Mehdi meduzen
Front-end developer, and beyond.


Marven cantave
Career changer looking to further skills in software development and use them constructively.
Lou Kail Loustoc
into hardware, creative tech, interactive experiences and all things tinkering

🏢 associate creative web dev @AKQA-Group || 🏫 Student at @Gobelins Paris

Dan Cigrang drc

Discover Finanical Services Chicago, IL

C.M. Reed seeReadCode United States

Drake MacMillan drake-macmillan

Cook County Department of Revenue United States

peter_t PeterTroitsky
Прохожу курс по АБ тестам от edvice, читаю "Statistics in a Nutshell".

Buenos Aires

Lucía López // 祝子琭 zhuzilu
👩‍💻 Front-end developer 💻

@empathyco A Coruña, Spain

Andra Helton ALHelton
Software Developer

Turing School of Software and Design Colorado

Stephen Marsh stephenhmarsh
Open source is cool. Currently serving at @metmuseum. Former technical cofounder of Group Project (acquired by Bravely), Lead Engineer at The Line.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC

Derek Philip Au derekphilipau
Software Developer and Ceramicist

Glazy & Brooklyn Museum Brooklyn, NY, USA

Andrea Gates Andrea-Gates
Art historian and former gallery director, now designing websites for creative professionals

Other London

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Nam Phuong Software NPSoftware68
I am an iOS Developer and Graphic Designer
Meg Hollister Asrai7
Artist. Tech Arts Educator. Troublemaker. Creator of Things.

Game U Rock Island, IL

Zach Garwood zachgarwood
Software Developer

The Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL

jasmine rose federer jasminefederer
creative technologist... (whatever that means)


TylerMckenzie TylerMcKenzie
Building fun applications with Javascript, Rails, PHP and Node

Rockford, IL

Jeremy Tubbs jeremytubbs

@conlect Indianapolis, IN

chris montgomery montchr
a coalescence of discrete organic machinery // lead dev @ // previously: alley, spirited media

Temple University philadelphia, pa