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Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Alireza Jalouli itsalirezajalouli
Room Temperature IQ Expert at Deez Learning with LIGMA & SIMA neural networks
Kataranjee ajee10x
Software & Computer Engineer | AI & Cybersecurity Researcher | (Art & Writing) Hobbyist | Founder at @openlab-x

@openlab-x Germany

Volkan Şah VolkanSah
I'm a scientist; because I invent, transform, create, and destroy for a living, and when I don't like something about the world, I change it!

Nemesis Cyber Force Maybe on your system!?


Qilu university of technology Jinan, China

Kembay A

UC Santa Cruz

Humeiqi胡美琪-中山大学 meiqihu
focus on change detetcion of remote sensing images; deep learning; hyperspectral images; anomalous change detction; binary and multi-class change detection;

Sun Yat-sen University

priya sharma pri-shav
I am a developer and write, having more than 5 years of experience. I have worked on many complex projects incorporating advanced technologies and tools.


Josh tall-josh
Civil Engineer turned Bar Tender turned Mechatronics Engineer turned ML Enthusiast turned intern turned ML Developer. ML all the robots!!!

@silverpond Melbourne

Lee Lwhieldon
Data Analyst & Engineer at heart turned consultant with over 10 years’ experience in enterprise data needs, ML/AI, cloud architecture, & more!

@SCHGroup Baltimore

Albert Zhou quanqhow
Computer Vision, Mechatronics
Kostas Georgiou drkostas
Computer Vision Researcher & PhD Student

University of Tennessee, Knoxville