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26 repositories
Public templatecalculator
Public templateBabylon.js
Public templateplayground-for-dart
Public templategame-packages-21-bin
Public templateSpace-Race-Earth
Public templatepyxel
Public templatewebgems
Public templategame-packages
Public templateGobblerWare
Public templateGitGud
Public templatevsc-unity-game-dev-bundle
Public templatevscode-gamedev-pack
Public templategames-store
Public templatecomputer-games-market-research
Public templateResearch for the online store "Streamchik", which sells computer games worldwide. Historical data on game sales, user and expert ratings, genres and platforms (for example, Xbox or PlayStation) are available from open sources. It is necessary to identify patterns that determine the success of a game.3_Project_Boost
Public templateBasic Particle Effects. Local version control. Basic UI & Menu. C# classes, function return values. Unity Components, coordinate systems, origins and anchor points, advanced prefabs. Level design. (Ref: PB_CU2)
Public templateTerrain3D
Public templateWorld-Editor
Public templategodot-visual-effects
Public templatemultiplay-core
Public templateDomoMakerE
Public templateThis is a web application that works like, a service that allows students to upload projects, courses, and assets they create and share them with other students for download. Students will use this page to learn how to market themselves to their peers and understand how to create products for a consumer base that is not limited to...Super-Market-Simulator-Website
Public templateMarketRace
Public templateMarket-Mischief
Public template