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George Dragomir BlueGhostGH
Interested in programming languages and low-level. He/him.


Amedeo Rizzo amex00
DPhil in Law - Oxford University | TechLaw Fellow - Stanford Law School | Tax & Accounting Fellow - Bocconi University

Lyra Analytics

Andrew Jones aljones15
Full Stack Web Developer with a love of test driven development, statistics & functional programming.

Arlington, VA

Leopold Kristjansson leopoldkristjansson

Berlin & Reykjavík

Richard dwumfour
Economics PhD Candidate.

Curtin University Bentley, Perth-Australia

Patrick Glinski patglinski
"A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-coding. Always be Coding!"

Software Engineer at Caterpillar Chicago, Illinois

Dagaen Golomb JavaGuy147

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

learn. listen. liftoff.


Daniel Fiott fiott248
Doing Stuff.

@cloudcontinuous Remote

Eduardo Nogueira edujsnogueira
Audit, Economics, Python, R, SQL, Stata.


hakan hakanatak
👋 Hi, I’m @hakanatak 👀 I’m interested in GIS, analysis, innovation, hacking thinks 🌱 I’m currently learning Nodejs, Python development, spatial sql

IBB Istanbul

Parker Sheppard parkersheppard
Macroeconomic modeling of U.S. fiscal and monetary policy. Research fellow at The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation Washington, DC

Raseen raseen3
MS CS Student @ VT '24
AntonRomanenkov AntonRomanenkov
What are you looking for and what am I looking for?
Nathan Wiseman nater85
I am interested in Research Software Engineering and Computational Social Science. I am particularly interested in economic applications.

University of Nevada, Reno Redding, CA

Max Ghenis MaxGhenis
Co-founder and CEO of @PolicyEngine

@PolicyEngine Washington, DC