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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


dongyuan wu ouendyyy
A graduate student at Sapienza
Graduated from Law school and currently working as a Backend Developer. Unsatisfied with status quo.

Curitiba - Brazil

lollocenne lollocenne
👨‍💻 Aspiring Software Engineer | 🎓 Student | 🚀 Passionate about coding, especially in Python! | 🧠 Always learning and building new things to grow my skill

Student Rome

Nikolay Kolev nikolay
A hacker, not a script kiddie. Opinions are my own. Code is all yours. 🇧🇬🇺🇸

@withcodery Irvine, CA, US

Flavio Ialongo flavioialongo
Computer Engineering student at "Sapienza", Rome

Rome, Italy

Felipe Sarmento FelipeSarmento
Data Analytics - NLP


Mattia Curri mattiacurri
CS - AI MSc Student @ UniBa, Italy

Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy Somewhere in South Italy

Jamie LaPaglia lnj4e
Clinician with over 25 years experience in leveraging evidence based information & data informed insights to promote the delivery of quality care constintly.

Claim Clarity Coral Springs, FL

Damien Asseya dasseya1
Full Stack Web Developer, well versed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Node.JS, mySQL, mongoDB, React.JS, AngularJS, Angular, and more.

Manassas, VA

Dare2Seek mathsrocks
Less is more.

The NRMA Sydney, Australia

ted walsh TWALSH77
MIR, GraphML and Large Scale Retrieval Applications
Vineet Sharma vineetsharma14
Interdisciplinary Researcher with diverse skill set in the domains of Generative AI, Computer Vision, Natural Lauguage Processing.


Dylan Tartarini DylanTartarini1996
"Full Stack" Data Scientist with a background in Economics. My main interests are Time Series Forecasting, NLP, LLMs&GenAI, MLOps.

Bologna, Italy

gambhir ⚡ gambhirsharma
TypeScript Developer

@repocraft Rome

Giuseppe Riccio giuseppericcio
Research Fellow in Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare topics @ University of Naples, Federico II

University of Naples, Federico II Naples

Syed Saad (王泽) Saad-data
Pursuing master’s in AI and Robotics at Sapienza | BE (EIE) from China West Normal University | Neural Networks, Gen-AI, LLMs.

Student @Sapienza of AIRO Rome, itlay

Aaron Hosford hosford42
Programming for >30 years, 18 with Python. Love to code & spend all my spare time doing it. Beyond enthusiastic about Machine Learning & AI.

@transparentai-tech North Texas

Alessandro D'Urso aledurso22
EPFL master student in Applied Physics

Lausanne, Switzerland

Simone Ciciliano SimoneCiciliano
"Human language, mathematics, logic, computation: these are all ways to formalize the world." -Stephen Wolfram

Brixen, Italy

Fade fadedeeplearning
ML & DL by reading my documents you can get anything related to ML you need. Just ping me, whatever help you need!
Domenico Spoto mimmospoto
Quantitative Analyst and Data Scientist.

Poste Italiane Rome

Ruan ruanribeiros
Data Engineer 5+. Focus on banking and smart advertising. lvl. 31 BR

São Paulo, Brasil / Lisbon, Portugal

Antonio Petricciuoli antoniopetricc

@antoniopetricciuoli Naples