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梁观华 lgh-0
Shenzhen Technology University /major in computer science technology
stevenad dunwe
road way


Giser_Xiao AidenX0704
Changing the world with code

ZJWEU Hangzhou Zhejiang

SeanLiuv seanliuv
Will be a great indie hacker.


DrLukeCui DrLukeCui
Luke is Ph.D. at SolBridge International School of Business and Digital Software Expert. He holds a Ph.D. from the SolBridge International School of Business.

Solbridge, Peking and BFSU University

Haozheng Li haozhengli2002
PhD student at UCAS-IIE.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing

Jalen zzl1203

Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing, China

Moary Chen moarychan
Keep fighting

Chinasoft Xi'an, China

Payne azwpayne
Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

AntGroup Inc BeiJing, China

XueSi XueSiLf

EasySwoole开发组成员 XiaMen,China

Immerse yaolifeng0629
Extreme commitment、Deep immersion、 Clear boundaries
Candison KanDisheng
Senior Service R & D Engineer

@CodeMommy @ShareAny Universe