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16yo frustrated with GNU and the state of modern computing.

Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization 0300-03CF

João Pedro Vieira JoaoP-Vieira
Just a kiss enjoyer.

Paraná, Brasil

Marco T. marcotduenas
comedian in free time. data science student


Daniel Lourenço Affonso Daniel-online
Javascript developer aiming for Node.JS contributor Nº1!
Gabriel DB CoininDev
18y. Game and Software Developer.
Italo Brandão ItaloCobains
Software Engineer, curious for low-level code. Open Source: @DesignLiquido and @TryTech

@TryTech Rio Verde, Goias

chào anh chaoanh
i plan on translating projects and hacking programming languages
Luiz Antônio takusuman
C.E. student @ Universidade Norte do Paraná

Cine Kua Non Brazil