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Christoph Sander ch-sander
Post-Doc in the History of Science and Digital Humanities

German Historical Institute Rome

Ole Meiners ole-meiners

Herder-Institut Marburg

Eduardo Todt etodt

Universidade Federal do Paraná UFPR Curitiba

Vicky D J trickyj
Overall 17+ years of work experience in Core IT. Currently looking for new opportunities in Cyber Security, Security Engineer, Enterprise Engineering Field.

Maersk India

KonchokDolma dolma1376
Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Simha Vyshantha

IBM | Universität zu Köln Germany

Kenneth Aloysius krusli
Software Architect @ Kalyana


CyberMeaticus Meaticus22
A Young Cybersecurity Enthusiast in | Ethical Hacking | Reverse Engineering | Bug Bounties | Threat Research | Opsec | Threat Intelligence |
Eric Brasil ericbrasiln
Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, UNILAB | Researcher - @LABHDUFBA | Managing Editor - @programminghistorian

Universidade da Integração Internacional do Lusofonia Afro-brasileira São Francisco do Conde, BA

Suleyman Poyraz Zaryob
Nothing is everything.

TUBITAK Sivas-Turkey



Hugo Scheithauer HugoSchtr
PhD Candidate in the ALMAnaCH research team at Inria Paris.

Inria Paris

Eugen Ciur ciur
I am software engineer. I am creator and maintainer of Papermerge DMS.

@papermerge Berlin, Germany

Crisoss Wandergarten
Data Engineering, Data Science, NLP @ KPMG Lighthouse Germany, Berlin

KPMG Berlin

marii¨ mnyrop

@NYULibraries Queens, NY

Bob Coret coret

The Netherlands

Michael Böhme micb25
theoretical chemist 👨‍🔬 and computer enthusiast 👨‍💻

FSU Jena // Jena, Germany

Christos Sidiropoulos csidirop
💻️ | 📷 | 🎮️ | 🚴🎾🥏 | 🐈 || Java | JS | C | C++

@UB-Mannheim Mannheim

Konstantin Baierer kba
Ⓐ ಥ_ಥ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ★。・:*¯\_(ツ)_/¯*:・゚★

@OCR-D @StaatsbibliothekBerlin Germany

Grant Barrett grantbarrett
Technology, Marketing, Content, Linguistics, Lexicography

San Diego, CA

Michael R. Hunsaker mrhunsaker
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments who brings 15+ years of behavioral neuroscience experience and an analytical approach to special education

Hunsaker Consulting, L3C Farmington, UT

Dickachu Yang power0341
hardcore gacha gamer | pro spaghetti coder