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21world jelspace
BASIC INCOME is give free money for all , opposite to: forced take VAT tax from all , In prevention from demonetization recession.

BASIC INCOME is free money for all , opposite to VAT tax , for prevent from demonetization

ThatGuyOT Drotnip
Trophy husband, an A'ight Father, pays bills and drinks beer. That is what makes me happy.


RogueMaster RogueMaster
Flipper Zero Custom Firmware Developer

Earth, Milky Way

Ahmet Melih İSLAM AhmetMelihIslam
Indie Game Developer

Istanbul Turkey

Nikola n1koLA11
Hi! Hope you don't mind me sticking around. :D. Still have quite a lot to learn but I will try to have fun and progress simultaneously. Hope u have a good one!
Danil Dukhovenko KennyProgrammer
I'm programmer and Game & Game Engine developer. I have experience with Java, C++, C and C#. Now my goal make a my game engine - Force.

Kenny Company USA, Australia

Stanislav Vasilev Madman10K
C and C++ software developer. I work on games, game engines, cross-platform graphical applications and more

@MadLadSquad @metacraft-labs @Heapforge Sofia, Bulgaria