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Leonardo Ollero López MrlolDev
I am Mrlol a fullstack web developer.

@get-wildfire Spain

Bruce Peters Bobcat999

Burlingame High School

Evelyn Olivia Enrique Evelivyen
the commie avocado death to Israel. Long live the Intifada! !‏بدنا نحكي على المكشوف صهيوني ما بدنا نشوف
Carlos Emanuel Salgado Trujillo Caryuter
FIRST Alumni at Imperium Fons 6605

@Imperium-Fons-6605 Tecmilenio Cuernavaca, Morelos. México

Diego Lozano DiegoLolzano
Programming mentor in FIRST Robotics team 4400 Cerbotics.

@TeamCerbotics4400 Mexico