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OftenGuy OftenUser
Just a boring black and white "thing" who's here often.

Nunya Biznis

Jay DasshuDev

New York, New York

rooot RoootTheFox
deranged and burnt out catgirl

The Fox Den

ABwebFan ABwebGamesFan
I make forks and never do anything with them
EDM115 EDM115
Random french dev, student, music producer, gamer, happy husband, programming enthusiast who likes to try and play with anything 🥰

IUT Vannes Vannes, France

Sebastian Suciu sebashtioon
I code stuff!


Charlotte lotte25
idk just breathing
Prepare to get 1000s of issues on your repository!

Italy, Piedmont

TechStudent10 TechStudent10
I am just a guy who loves tech and programming.

@ProtonDesigner Canada

Oleksandr Nemesh Prevter
i do some code for fun

Student at NULES Ukraine Ukraine, Kyiv

Fire FireMario211
I'm a Backend Developer and a Bot Developer. I help others with their projects regarding libraries, bots, backends, mods, etc.

i made globed


LimeGradient LimeGradient
high school student
