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István Bordi bordee
"Innovate faster than they can write the rules" (Andreas M. Antonopoulos)


The future of decentralized finance is here. Meet GXQ Studio—the cutting-edge blockchain platform powering the next generation of flash loan trading.

GXQ Las Vegas

Marcos Meneses MAMware
after 30 years, back to code


YAro Script yarscript
🥷 Full-Stack NodeJS/PHP Web3 Dev 🥷

@yarscript Atlantis

Thydux is a blockchain-focused project designed to enhance crypto trading and investments. Its suite of tools includes smart trading strategies and investment.

@investorab United States of America 🇺🇲

Michael mjmaurial

New York, New York

yqq youngqqcn
日拱一卒,功不唐捐 (Step by step, no effort will be in vain)
Isaki Dube djlaserman
Computer Scientist and Entrepreneur, 2D Art & 3D Modeller & Animator. VFX and Electronics enthusiast. Also a father of two lovely kids...

@TekNerds-IT-Services Johannesburg, South Africa

howzus dreamineering
Make it flow

dreamineering copenhagen denmark

AI Art Series with distinctive bear portraits, paired with Adaptive Emissions, Multi-Timeframe Buybacks and Variable Token Unlocks

Ikigailabs XYZ 0x

Michael Demarais mikedemarais
cofounder @rainbow-me

@rainbow-me New York, NY

Dylan dylandesrosier

@anagrambuild Canada

Faysal Ul Haque faysalhaque

@RedQ Dhaka, Bangladesh

amber buchtela Abuchtela
Contributor, developer, community member, moderator, designer….

freelance iowa

Cioclea Doru Octavian dorucioclea
Tech enthusiast

@CoreBuildSoftware Cluj-Napoca

Kames Geraghty kamescg

@district-labs New York

Trevor Richard trmid
Full stack web developer exploring decentralization techniques for the modern web. Interests: IPFS, Blockchain, PWA's, and Public Goods Funding

@GenerationSoftware Mississauga, ON

Chuck Bergeron chuckbergeron
Developing ideas into professional apps since 2004

Developer Vancouver, BC