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saman rabiei samanrabiei
Web developer php/CodeIgniter/laravel/wordpress/CSS/HTML/js/bootstrap
soroosh rabet sorooshrabet
silent people have the loudest sounds... MSc from Sharif university DBA from Tehran university


Ali Zemani mehotkhan
Passionate about Open Source development | Bridging the worlds of web technology, physics, and anthropology | Innovating at the crossroads of science and human


mohammad mohammaddmdd
As a back-end developer, I am dedicated to enhancing my proficiency and keeping pace with the latest advancements in the field.


Soroush Fathi soroushfathi
BSc CE at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Gorgan, Iran

Mohammad Erfan Pouladzadeh MErfanPld
BackEnd Developer ( Django, FastAPI, Flask)

@django @pallets Iran, Tehran