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Edson Junior Acordi edson-acordi
Knowledge is still the one thing no one can steal from you!

Instituto Federal do Paraná Brazil

Cristian Delgado cjdg

Nehenemi Labs Mexico

Lucas Gallindo lgallindo

Pernambuco Federal University Recife - PE, Brazil

Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

Jackson Jacobson jjacobsonn
| Python, JavaScript, C++, Rust | Hacking Faster Code
Ali Almasi AliAlmasi
Computer networking student @ STVC & Junior web developer

@parchlinux Tehran, Iran

Krzysztof Krystian Jankowski w84death
Indie Game Developer, Digital Artist and an overall computer hacker.

P1X Poland

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
I work at @qbnetworks which is a Cyber Security company that serves to the public 24/7/365. Commits by @masscollabs account and I lead to @procyberian PSD

@qbnetworks İstanbul , Türkiye

Zhao YuPeng zhaoyupenggit
GitHub Launch!!!
@isaacs/github 🪦⚰️ @rejuvenate @CellularPrivacy @TPS0
João Norberto de Souza Junior jnsjunior
Senior Full Stack Engineer

Curitiba, PR - Brazil

Chris Goes GhostofGoes
Open-source advocate and Python fanatic. New Mexico is🏡, Idaho is ❤️

New Mexico, USA

Dani Martinez d4n1b

London - England

Andreu asllop
I work on data engineering projects and systems/low-level stuff.

@newrelic Catalonia

Daniel Slåttnes slaattnes

Daniel Slåttnes Norway

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Rishat Niiazov DxCpp
The most important thing for me: Family, Self-realization, Freedom. In that order. And also: I love Computer Science!

@Community-SimpleOne Saint Petersburg

veganaiZe veganaize
🦋 👋 Is this software engineering ? 🦄 🤠


netheround fsdfdfgdfghSD
Working... 🔨

Inter Romania

vidak. genossen
(i) friendly computers worker's co-op member; (ii) emacs lisp and common lisp; (3) ??? (4) ₍ᵔ·×·ᵔ₎ ₍ᵔ͈·×·͈ᵔ₎ ˎ₍•ʚ•₎ˏ ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ

Friendly Computers East Perth, Australia

Wolf Bergenheim susi

@google Switzerland

xmonader xmonader
I chase monads in my free time.

@threefoldtech Egypt

Sandy SmifferAtWork
Account relating to any coding done at my place of employment that hopefully people might find useful.

NHS Forth Valley Larbert

Jamie Roy Robillard Sr OneNemo
I am me, it would be nice if you were you.
CuriousAutistic juanmiuk
Very Curious Person. Love Ada Language. Learning myself the language.