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Lucas R. Costa olucaslrc
Software Engineer

São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil

Yann Mourier yann-mourier
Consultant DevOps


OODLER oodler577

Contract Perl Programmer Texas

Rogério Girão rgcastrof
Information Systems student at the Federal University of Ceará.

Universidade Federal do Ceará Ceará

Code_Zealot CodeZea1ot


Duke dukex
I'm not new here

@caju-beneficios Minas Gerais, Brazil

Vincent Regazzi vregazzi

@ARCOBusinessServices St. Louis, MO

Anna Maria Yates annamariayates
SAHM and front-end developer. Old soul living in a modern world.

Southern Maryland

Cyrillus Mariae Poon cyrillusmariae
Vultum tuum, Dómine, requíram!

Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Chai Wan) Kowloon, Hong Kong

thesionnach thesionnach
Lawyer learning Python
Leo Wilson leomwilson
Studying Computer Science and Linguistics at Arizona State University.
Fernando Gil fer-gil
Geek musician, pushing limits.

México / USA

Milo DuBois milodubois
maɪ.loʊ (he/him) | Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology
Gerard Keiser Lactantius

The Onyx Collection Saint Marys, Kansas