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cacu carlosm2

Tierra Comun Coop México City

Jorge L. 80211android
"Don't just aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference." D.W. Kaizen

RealDreamsFactory City of Angels

Fureigh fureigh
I'm a software developer who believes technology should be kind to humans. ex-@18F, 2014 @codeforamerica fellow. Make things better.

Fureigh Consulting Oakland / Brooklyn

Óscar oxcar
Working at the intersection of human rights, technology, data, and open knowledge.

Tech Lead @codeandomexico Madrid • Mexico City • Washington DC

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Edgar Ramírez Mondragón edgarrmondragon
Open Source/Python/Data/Backend Applications

@archdotdev / @meltano Mexico

Kauê de Moraes Vestena kauevestena
Cartographic Engineer, Master in Geodetic Sciences, currently on phd at Federal University of Parana.

UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná Curitiba, BR

Jürgen Löhel jloehel
Open Source enthusiast and software developer

@inlyse GmbH Nuremberg, Germany / León, México

Distrito de Innovación, IDEA GTO Distritodeinnovacion
El distrito de innovación es un espacio multifuncional diseñado para resolver retos estratégicos del estado de Guanajuato utilizando innovación y la tecnología

Silao de la Victoria

Erika Sánchez-Femat helloerikaaa
PhD student | AI Researcher

@AI-UPIIZ Mexico

Jaime Figueroa JaimeFigueroa
Desde niño, siempre quise saber cómo funciona el internet.
Monica Portillo monicaps
ITI-BUAP External Mentor, Information Technology Engineer, @x-women-mx Co-Founder, Web Developer

X-Women Puebla, Puebla, MX

Rigoberto Canseco rigomortiz
I'm a software craftsman

CDMX, Mexico

Gabriel Vaz de Melo gabrielvazdemelo
Data Analyst | Msc. Economics


Acción Territorial SAS ConstruyectosBIM
Ingenierías Sostenibles Ingesostenibles y Construyectos BIM

Acción Territorial SAS Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Zane Selvans zaneselvans
I'm part of @catalyst-cooperative. We liberate public data about the US energy system for climate activists, NGOs, journalists, & academic researchers.

@catalyst-cooperative Chiapas, México

Pablo Cano mexpacan
Scrum Master | Software Engineer


Martin Fulgueiras MartinFulgueiras
Helping coops, civic associations and NGOs meander the digital paths with installations, project management or advice in the process.

Mexico city

Hugo Valencia Vargas psicobloc
Senior Implementation Engineer @lifelink-core                                    University of Guadalajara

@lifelink-core Guadalajara, Jalisco , Mexico

Luis Alférez LurchingDart
☝️🤓 Information Technology Student 😸💻 Cat and Code Lover

@LunanStudio México City, México

Goth ight gothight
18yr, Mexican

soñamosdespiertos Mexico City

David davidbeig
Working on open source projects related to social innovation and collective transformation. Mainly on @GoteoFoundation and @decidim

Platoniq | Goteo Barcelona

Alexander Rusa arusa
Solutions Architect Web and App Development using: Ruby on Rails, TailwindCSS, Swift,... Terraform, Ansible, GitLab Bringing the decidim project to Austria

@spreademotions Austria

María del Rosario Romero Moreno PerformativeRos
Mexican artist graduated from the EPDM in 2007, and designer graduated with honors from the Master’s Degree in Advanced Design at UMSN
Angel R. Abundis abundis-rmn2
Sociologist | Software Developer | Cultural Detective <br> I blend sociology and code to explore urban culture, focusing on graffiti

Guadalajara, MX

Hueso de Durazno HuesodeDurazno
Escucho a los algoritmos

Mercado Libre Puebla,Puebla

Ivan Robles ivandev-81
I'm a Python fullstack computer engineer I ❤️ Open Source I ❤️ Linux I ❤️ Fediverse I ❤️ Computer Science
Angel Mora angel-mora
Full-Stack Developer | Ruby on Rails | Javascript



La Olympiaca Olympia, WA

Kenneth Artaban knatb
Software Engineer Student, I like Web Development

León, Gto, MEX

ReDHumus redhumus

ReDHumus Colombia