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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Zijie Zhao ZijieZhaoMMHW
Good at nothing

University of Tasmania Hobart

James Goldie jimjam-slam
#climatehealth → #datajournalism. Making things for fun and for social good ❤️

Melbourne, Australia

Ashneel Chandra PhotonPi
PhD Candidate in Climate Dynamics, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen

Melbourne, Australia

赵博文 sreveryone
An undergraduate student in Chinese Academy Of Science, Institute of Atmospheric Physics,

Beijing, China

Christopher Bull chrisb13
Aspiring oceanographer. Ocean Modeller at @ACCESS-NRI. Big data Pythonista.

Canberra, Australia

Daniel Camarena DanielCamarena
[computer ∪ stats] ∩ [math ∪ science]

Imarpe Callao, Perú

Chia-Wei Hsu chiaweh2
Associate Scientist at @NOAA-PSL working on integrating observation, reanalysis data, and model simulation to create an inter-comparison portal.


Willem Huiskamp whuiskamp
Ocean/paleoclimate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

PIK Potsdam, Germany

Benoît Pasquier briochemc
Scientist / Adjunct Fellow at UNSW

Sydney, Australia

Felipe Vilela-Silva vsilvafelipe

IFREMER Brest, Bretagne, FR

Dan Sandiford dansand

University of Melbourne Melbourne

Akshay Patil AkshayPatil1994
Post-doc at @tudelft3d [BreatheLab], TU Delft
Navid C. Constantinou navidcy
oceanography — geophysical fluid dynamics — julia

University of Melbourne @unimelb Melbourne, Australia

Hong Wang hongolina

Ocean University of China China

@minghangli-uni minghangli-uni
Software engineer @ACCESS-NRI Australian National University
Natalia Tilinina VanuatuN

HPC student, @sissa Trieste, Italy

Zhi Li ZhiLiUNSW
Physical Oceanographer - Mode Water, SAMW&AAIW, Ocean Mixing. Postdoc at UNSW CMSI with ACEAS. PhD during 2018-2022 at UNSW CCRC. #Hiker&Camper&Fisher

UNSW Centre for Marine Science and Innovation (CMSI) Sydney

Mike Tetley headmetal
Ice Sheet Modelling

ACCESS-NRI, ANU Canberra, Australia

Fernando Sobral fncsobral
PhD candidate at UNSW with the main focus on the eddy driven heat transport in the EAC System.

UNSW Sydney

Ran liu-ran
I study Physical Oceanography and numerical simulation.

Fudan University Shang Hai

James Wilmot JamesWilmot

@opendatafit Australia

Jan Jaap Meijer janjaapmeijer

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies Hobart, Tasmania

Ashley Barnes ashjbarnes
PhD Student at the ANU in physical oceanography

Australian National University

Pedro pedrocol
PhD student in Physical oceanography
Ole Rieke Oler2008

University of Tasmania Hobart

Qianye Su SQYQianYe

Guangdong Ocean University Zhanjiang, China

Josef Bisits jbisits
PhD student - Physical oceanography - Julia

University of New South Wales Sydney

Jingwei Zhang jingweiau
PhD student of CSRIO and UTAS


andrew hongduongdaika
Numerical model to research on Marine dynamics; RBF collocation method; Ocean modelling
Romain Beucher rbeucher
Model Evaluation and Diagnostics Team Lead for the Australian Earth-System Simulator National Research Infrastructure (ACCESS-NRI)

ACCESS-NRI Canberra, Australia

Noah Day NoahDay
PhD Candidate at the University of Adelaide.

University of Adelaide Adelaide

Mohima Sultana Mimi Mohima17


Julia Neme julia-neme
Postdoc at Australian National University