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Xavier Campos Nakuziri
Up and coming software engineer
Justin justinforlenza
Full Stack Developer & I.T. Specialist with a passion for developing intuitive solutions for any problem

New York

ShamourV ShamourV
Made in Heaven. Guided by Father Pucci. Known Dragon Ball fan(Gohan Solos).
Kerdon Candog85
Brooklyn STEAM Center student

New York City

Farhan Chowdury fc2078
proud fullstack developer and gamer πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ‡§πŸ‡©

Brooklyn STEAM Center Brooklyn, NY

De'Andre Deandrebrown01
I am in Full stack development and I am 16 years old. Yea thats it.

New York

Laweens Francois Laweens
Student at the brooklyn steam center,

Brooklyn steam center Brooklyn

Saad ScorchKnight

Brooklyn, New York