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Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Loka satrialoka
ML Newb

University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland

Suhaib Shekfeh shekfeh
Medicinal chemistry/Computational chemistry/Bioinformatics/Cheminformatics
Ronald Richman RonRichman
Avid Actuary

Johannesburg, South Africa

Fatemeh Fathi Niazi FatemehFathiNiazi
PhD student at Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering

Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, USA

marconobile marconobile
PhD student in LRS @ USI Lugano
Diego dgcnz

University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sunny Joshi sunny1401
(she/her) Presque ne compte pas
Nguyen-Khanh Vu khanhvu207
MSc CS @ ETH Zürich, studying theoretical computer science.

Zürich, Switzerland

Zeynep Özdemir zeynepozdemir
Research Assistant & Computer Science & Ankara University

Ankara, Turkey

WeilinChen WeilinChen507

Guangdong University of Technology China

Pratiksha Pai pratikshappai
interested in open-source ai 🤖 | grad ece @ georgia tech | ex-nitk'19

georgia tech Atlanta

Elena egarcialara
Statistics & Bioinformatics :)

Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Jordy Homing Lam jhmlam
Structure Enthusiast 🇭🇰

Hong Kong



Jakub Reha JakubReha
PhD Candidate @ UvA AMLab \\ Python, PyTorch
Eloy Schultz EloySchultz
MSc student Electrical Engineering (AIES) at TU/e
Daniel Ordonez Danfoa
I love legged robots, Group Theory, ML, Control Theory, and other wonders. Ph.D. at IIT, M.Sc. in AI at UPC, B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering UNAL

IIT Italy-Colombia

Xin Liu Raymvp
A curious student in causal inference,machine learning and health data science.

Southeast University

Mina Jamshidi minajamshidi

Machine learning group, BIFOLD, TU Berlin Leipzig

love the beauty of data science and complex system

Hang Zhou, China

Volodymyr grinvolod13

Kyiv Academic University Ukraine 🇺🇦

Cong Liu congliuUvA
PhD Student in AI4Science Lab Affiliated in AMLab at the University of Amsterdam


Naifu Xu NaiveXu
weak coder but won't give up//living in a world where i can't get Github Campus for the missing location of my school on map, oh but at least i've tried.

Changsha, Hunan, China

Zun Wang Zun-Wang
Senior Researcher @microsoft

@microsoft Beijing

Jiaqing Xie jiaqingxie
MSCS @ ETH Zurich; BEng Uof Edinburgh; AI4Science ; Hyper-param tuning is fun

ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Austin Yang fastyangmh
Deep Learning Engineer


Ajey Pai K AjeyPaiK
PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Member of @NKI-AI (under ICAI), Amsterdam. An alumnus of IIT-Delhi, India.

University of Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Alexander Timans alextimans
PhD candidate @AMLab-Amsterdam

University of Amsterdam

Weixi Ning AaronNing
Computational Biology

THU Beijing, China

Wang Chunjiang chunjiangwong
☞If you want to promote yourself quickly,you have to learn how to share. 但行好事,莫问前程💪 前路有光,初心莫忘🍺

USTC Su Zhou, Jiang Su, China