Releases: orbbec/OrbbecSDK_ROS2
Releases · orbbec/OrbbecSDK_ROS2
Release v1.4.2
- Update the OrbbecSDK version to 1.8.3.
- Fix the issue where Openni device cannot obtain Depth intrinsics through Pipeline when the resolutions of depth and color are not in the alignment list.
- Optimize the processing of the color stream by separately creating a thread to handle the color stream and its point cloud.
- Other bug fixes.
Release v1.3.8
Update OrbbecSDK to version 1.8.1.
Add support for Femto Bolt.
Other bug fixes and optimizations.
Release v1.3.5
- Fixed save point cloud.
- Added hardware jpeg decoding. current support Rockchip and Nvidia Jetson (ubuntu 20.04 only).
- Fixed the fact that semaphore locks can't lock other processes, Use pthread lock instead.
- Fixed unnecessary decoding to reduce CPU usage.
- Fixed Astra multi-device hot plug depth image anomaly.
Release v1.3.2
- Update OrbbecSDK to v1.7.4.
- Adapted to new products Gemini2 XL.
- Deleted all XML launch files, use python launch file instead of XML.