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Welcome to the OrbbecSDK ROS Wrapper. Before you begin using this version of ROS wrapper, it's crucial to check the following device support list to verify the compatibility.

OrbbecSDK ROS Wrapper provides seamless integration of Orbbec cameras with ROS environment. It supports ROS Kinetic, Melodic, and Noetic distributions.

With a major update in October 2024, we release the OrbbecSDK ROS1 Wrapper v2 connected to the open source OrbbecSDK v2 with enhanced flexibility and extensibility. This update ensures compatibility with all Orbbec USB products adhering to UVC standard. However, it no longer supports Orbbec's traditional OpenNI protocol devices. We strongly encourage you to use the v2-main branch if your device is supported.

Here is the device support list of main branch (v1.x) and v2-main branch (v2.x):

Product Series Product Branch main Branch v2-main
Gemini 330 Gemini 335 full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 336 full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 330 full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 335L full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 336L full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 330L full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 335Lg not supported recommended for new designs
Gemini 2 Gemini 2 full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 2 L full maintenance recommended for new designs
Gemini 2 XL recommended for new designs to be supported
Femto Femto Bolt full maintenance recommended for new designs
Femto Mega full maintenance recommended for new designs
Femto Mega I full maintenance to be supported
Astra Astra 2 full maintenance recommended for new designs
Astra+ limited maintenance not supported
Astra Pro Plus limited maintenance not supported
Astra Mini Astra Mini Pro full maintenance not supported

Note: If you do not find your device, please contact our FAE or sales representative for help.


  1. recommended for new designs: we will provide full supports with new features, bug fix and performance optimization;
  2. full maintenance: we will provide bug fix support;
  3. limited maintenance: we will provide critical bug fix support;
  4. not supported: we will not support specific device in this version;
  5. to be supported: we will add support in the near future.

Table of Contents

Install Dependencies


  • Please refer directly to the ROS wiki for installation instructions.

Other Dependencies

  • Install dependencies (be careful with your ROS distribution):

    # Assuming you have sourced the ROS environment, same below
    sudo apt install libgflags-dev ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-geometry ros-$ROS_DISTRO-camera-info-manager \
    ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-image-transport-plugins ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-compressed-image-transport \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-transport ros-$ROS_DISTRO-image-publisher libgoogle-glog-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libeigen3-dev \
    ros-$ROS_DISTRO-diagnostic-updater ros-$ROS_DISTRO-diagnostic-msgs \

Create ROS Workspace and Build

Create a ROS workspace (if you don't have one):

mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src

Get the source code:

cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone

Build the package:

cd ~/ros_ws

Install udev rules:

cd ~/ros_ws
source ./devel/setup.bash
roscd orbbec_camera
sudo bash ./scripts/

Start the Camera

In terminal 1:

source ./devel/setup.bash
roslaunch orbbec_camera gemini_330_series.launch

In terminal 2:

source ./devel/setup.bash

Select Topics and Control the Camera

Check topics, services, and parameters (open a new terminal):

rostopic list
rosservice list
rosparam list

Get camera parameters (MUST start stream first):

rosservice call /camera/get_camera_params "{}"

Check camera parameters (please refer to the ROS documentation for the meaning of specific fields in the camera info):

rostopic echo /camera/depth/camera_info
rostopic echo /camera/color/camera_info

Check device information:

rosservice call /camera/get_device_info "{}"

Get the SDK version (includes firmware and Orbbec SDK versions):

rosservice call /camera/get_sdk_version "{}"

Set/get (auto) exposure:

rosservice call /camera/set_color_auto_exposure '{data: false}'
rosservice call /camera/set_left_ir_auto_exposure "{data: false}"

# Setting exposure values (be careful with the data range; the following example may not be correct)
rosservice call /camera/set_left_ir_exposure "{data: 2000}"
rosservice call /camera/set_color_exposure "{data: 2000}"

# Get exposure
rosservice call /camera/get_left_ir_exposure "{}"
rosservice call /camera/get_color_exposure "{}"

Set/get gain:

# Get gain
rosservice call /camera/get_color_gain '{}'
rosservice call /camera/get_left_ir_gain '{}'

# Setting the gain (be careful with the data range; the following example may not be correct)
rosservice call /camera/set_color_gain "{data: 200}"
rosservice call /camera/set_left_ir_gain "{data: 200}"

Set/get (auto) white balance:

rosservice call /camera/set_auto_white_balance "{data: false}"
rosservice call /camera/get_auto_white_balance "{data: false}"

Turn on/off laser:

rosservice call /camera/set_laser '{data: true}' # Turn on
rosservice call /camera/set_laser '{data: false}' # Turn off

Save images:

rosservice call /camera/save_images "{}"

Save point cloud:

rosservice call /camera/save_point_cloud "{}"

NOTE: The images are saved under ~/.ros/image and are only available when the sensor is on.

Network camera

For Femto Mega and Femto Mega I, the network camera feature is supported.

roslaunch orbbec_camera femto_mega.launch enumerate_net_device:=true

Launch Parameters

The following launch parameters are available:

  • connection_delay: The delay time in milliseconds for reopening the device. Some devices require a longer time to initialize, and reopening the device immediately can cause firmware crashes when hot-plugging.
  • enable_point_cloud: Enables the point cloud.
  • enable_colored_point_cloud: Enables the RGB point cloud.
  • color_width, color_height, color_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the color stream.
  • left_ir_width, left_ir_height, left_ir_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the left IR stream.
  • right_ir_width, right_ir_height, right_ir_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the right IR stream.
  • depth_width, depth_height, depth_fps: The resolution and frame rate of the depth stream.
  • enable_color: Enables the RGB camera.
  • enable_depth: Enables the depth camera.
  • enable_left_ir: Enables the left IR camera.
  • enable_right_ir: Enables the right IR camera.
  • depth_registration: Enables hardware alignment of the depth frame to the color frame. This field is required when enable_colored_point_cloud is set to true.
  • log_level for OrbbecSDK controls console log verbosity, with levels none, info, debug, warn, fatal. Logs save in ~/.ros/Log. For file logging, adjust <FileLogLevel> in config/OrbbecSDKConfig_v1.0.xml.
  • ordered_pc: Whether the point cloud should be organized in an ordered grid (true) or as an unordered set of points (false).
  • device_preset: The default value is Default. Only the G330 series is supported. For more information, refer to the G330 documentation. Please refer to the table below to set the device_preset value based on your use case. The value should be one of the preset names listed in the table.
  • enable_decimation_filter: Only the G330 series is supported. This filter effectively reduces the depth scene complexity. The filter runs on kernel sizes [2x2] to [8x8] pixels. The image size is scaled down proportionally in both dimensions to preserve the aspect ratio.
  • enable_hdr_merge: This filter is used jointly with depth HDR function. By merging consecutive depth images of alternating exposure values, we can over come challenges in acquiring depth values for under-illuminated and over-illuminated objects simultaneously.
  • sequence_id_filter_id: This filter is used jointly with depth HDR function and outputs only the sequence with specified sequence ID.
  • enable_threshold_filter: This filter preserves depth values of interest and omits depth values out of scope.
  • enable_noise_removal_filter: This filter removes speckle noise in clusters and gives rise to a less-filled depth map.
  • enable_spatial_filter: This filter performs multiple iterations of processing as specified by the magnitude parameter, to enhance the smoothness of depth data. It is also capable of filling small holes in depth maps.
  • enable_temporal_filter:This filter is intended to improve the depth data persistency by manipulating per-pixel values based on previous frames. The filter performs a single pass on the data, adjusting the depth values while also updating the tracking history.
  • enable_hole_filling_filter: This filter fills all holes in the depth map using the specified mode.
  • depth_precision : The depth precision, should be like 1mm format. The default value is 1mm.
  • enable_laser : Whether to enable the laser. The default value is true.
  • laser_on_off_mode: Laser on/off alternate mode, 0: off, 1: on-off alternate, 2: off-on alternate. The default value is 0.
  • retry_on_usb3_detection_failure: If the camera is connected to a USB 2.0 port and is not detected, the system will attempt to reset the camera up to three times. This setting aims to prevent USB 3.0 devices from being incorrectly recognized as USB 2.0. It is recommended to set this parameter to false when using a USB 2.0 connection to avoid unnecessary resets. Here is a refined version of the two sentences:
  • enable_heartbeat: This option enables the heartbeat function. By default, it is set to false. If set to true, the camera will send heartbeat messages and generate firmware logs.
  • enable_hardware_reset: This option enables the hardware reset function. By default, it is set to false. If set to true, the camera will reboot upon its first connection.
  • frame_aggregate_mode:Support full_frame, color_frame, ANY or disable mode full_frame:When the frame data of all enabled video stream is valid, the video stream topic data will be output.If the frame data of any video stream is invalid, the frame data of other video streams cannot be output. color_frame:When the frame data of the color stream is valid, the video stream topic data will be output,suitable for color using H264, H265 format,ensure that color frames are not dropped, because dropping color frames affects the decoding of H264 and H265. ANY:When the frame data of the video stream is valid or invalid, the video stream will be output, but the invalid video stream frame data will be filtered out and output through the topic. disable:Disable frame_aggregate_mode, all types of data frames will output independently.Primarily addresses the issue of frame output delay when users configure different frame rates for different video streams

IMPORTANT: Pleframe_aggregate_modease carefully read the instructions regarding software filtering settings at this link. If you are uncertain, do not modify these settings.

Depth work mode switch:

  • Before starting the camera, depth work mode (depth_work_mode) can be configured for the corresponding xxx.launch file's support.
  • The depth work mode switch is supported by Gemini 2, Gemini 2 L, and Gemini 2 XL cameras.
  • The default depth work mode configuration of xxx.launch is the camera's default configuration. If you need to modify it, you can switch to the corresponding mode as needed.
  • The specific camera depth work mode support types can be found in the comments of the depth mode.
<!-- Depth work mode support is as follows: -->
<!-- Unbinned Dense Default -->
<!-- Unbinned Sparse Default -->
<!-- Binned Sparse Default -->
<!-- Obstacle Avoidance -->
<arg name="depth_work_mode" default=""/>
  • View depth work modes:
rosrun orbbec_camera list_depth_work_mode_node

Configuration of depth NFOV and WFOV modes

For the Femto Mega and Femto Bolt devices, the NFOV and WFOV modes are implemented by configuring the resolution of Depth and IR in the launch file. In launch file, depth_width、depth_height、ir_width、ir_height represents the resolution of the depth and the resolution of the IR. The frame fps and resolution of IR must be consistent with the depth. The correspondence between different modes and resolutions is as follows:

  • NFOV unbinned: 640 x 576.
  • NFOV binned: 320 x 288.
  • WFOV unbinned: 1024 x 1024.
  • WFOV binned: 512 x 512.

Check which profiles the camera supports

rosrun orbbec_camera list_camera_profile_mode_node

Multiple Camera Support

Please refer to the Multiple Camera Support document for more information.

Available Services for Camera Control

The service names intuitively reflect their purposes. It's crucial to understand that services related to setting or getting parameters—denoted as set_* and get_*—become available only when the respective enable_* parameters are activated. For instance, enabling features such as left infrared (IR) with enable_left_ir, right IR with enable_right_ir, depth sensing with enable_depth, or color processing with enable_color (refer to Launch Parameters) is a prerequisite for their corresponding services to be operational. This configuration ensures that services are accessible only when their specific stream is enabled in the launch file's stream argument.

  • /camera/get_auto_white_balance
  • /camera/get_camera_params
  • /camera/get_color_auto_exposure
  • /camera/get_color_camera_info
  • /camera/get_color_exposure
  • /camera/get_color_gain
  • /camera/get_depth_auto_exposure
  • /camera/get_depth_camera_info
  • /camera/get_depth_exposure
  • /camera/get_depth_gain
  • /camera/get_device_info
  • /camera/get_device_type
  • /camera/get_left_ir_auto_exposure
  • /camera/get_left_ir_camera_info
  • /camera/get_left_ir_exposure
  • /camera/get_left_ir_gain
  • /camera/get_serial
  • /camera/get_sdk_version
  • /camera/get_white_balance
  • /camera/reset_color_exposure
  • /camera/reset_color_gain
  • /camera/reset_depth_exposure
  • /camera/reset_depth_gain
  • /camera/reset_left_ir_exposure
  • /camera/reset_left_ir_gain
  • /camera/reset_white_balance
  • /camera/save_images
  • /camera/save_point_cloud
  • /camera/set_auto_white_balance
  • /camera/set_color_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_color_exposure
  • /camera/set_color_gain
  • /camera/set_depth_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_depth_exposure
  • /camera/set_depth_gain
  • /camera/set_flood
  • /camera/set_left_ir_auto_exposure
  • /camera/set_left_ir_exposure
  • /camera/set_left_ir_gain
  • /camera/set_laser
  • /camera/set_white_balance

Available Topics

  • /camera/color/camera_info: The color camera info.
  • /camera/color/image_raw: The color stream image.
  • /camera/depth/camera_info: The depth camera info.
  • /camera/depth/image_raw: The depth stream image.
  • /camera/depth/points: The point cloud, only available when enable_point_cloud is true.
  • /camera/depth_registered/points: The colored point cloud, only available when enable_colored_point_cloud is true.
  • /camera/left_ir/camera_info: The left IR camera info.
  • /camera/left_ir/image_raw: The left IR stream image.
  • /camera/right_ir/camera_info: The right IR camera info.
  • /camera/right_ir/image_raw: The right IR stream image.
  • /diagnostics: The diagnostic information of the camera, Currently, the diagnostic information only includes the temperature of the camera.

Building a Debian Package

First, ensure the necessary tools are installed:

sudo apt install debhelper fakeroot python3-bloom

To create the Debian package, execute these commands:

cd ~/ros_ws/src/OrbbecSDK_ROS1

Use Nodelet

For users who need to use nodelet, please refer to gemini2_nodelet.launch

Supported Devices

The following devices are supported by the OrbbecSDK ROS1 Wrapper.

Product Minimal Firmware Version launch file
Astra+ 1.0.19 astra_adv.launch
Astra Mini /Astra Mini Pro /Astra Pro 1007 astra.launch
Astra Mini Pro S 1005 astra.launch
Astra 2 2.8.20 astra2.launch
Dabai 2436 dabai.launch
Dabai DW 2606 dabai_dw.launch
Dabai DCW 2460 dabai_dcw.launch
Femto/Femto W 1.1.8 femto.launch
Femto Mega 1.1.7 femto_mega.launch
Femto Bolt 1.0.6 femto_bolt.launch
Femto Mega I 2.0.2 femto_net_camera.launch
Gemini 3018 gemini.launch
Gemini 2 / Dabai DCL 1.4.60 gemini2.launch
Gemini 2 L 1.4.32 gemini2L.launch
Gemini E 3460 gemini_e.launch
Gemini E Lite 3606 gemini_e_lite.launch
Gemini 335/335L/336/336L 1.2.20 gemini_330_series.launch


We recommend using the OrbbecSDK ROS1 Wrapper v2 to get better flexibility and extensibility for the following devices: Astra 2, Femto Mega, Femto Bolt, Gemini 2, Gemini 2 L, Gemini 335, Gemini 335L, Gemini 336, Gemini 336L, Gemini 335Lg(only supported in v2-main branch).

All launch files are essentially similar, with the primary difference being the default values of the parameters set for different models within the same series. Differences in USB standards, such as USB 2.0 versus USB 3.0, may require adjustments to these parameters. If you encounter a startup failure, please carefully review the specification manual. Pay special attention to the resolution settings in the launch file, as well as other parameters, to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unexpected Crash

If the camera node crashes unexpectedly, it will generate a crash log in the current running directory: ~/.ros/Log/camera_crash_stack_trace_xx.log. Additionally, regardless of whether the camera node crashes or not, the OrbbecSDK will always generate a log file: ~/.ros/Log/OrbbecSDK.log.txt, which contains detailed records of the SDK's operations.

Please send these log files to the support team or submit them to a GitHub issue for further assistance.

No Data Stream from Multiple Cameras

Insufficient Power Supply:

  • Ensure that each camera is connected to a separate hub.
  • Use a powered hub to provide sufficient power to each camera.

High Resolution:

  • Try lowering the resolution to resolve data stream issues.

Increase usbfs_memory_mb Value:

  • Increase the usbfs_memory_mb value to 128MB (this is a reference value and can be adjusted based on your system’s needs) by running the following command:
    echo 128 | sudo tee /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb
  • To make this change permanent, check this link.

Compilation Failure Due to OpenCV Version Issues

In some cases, you may have multiple versions of OpenCV on your host, which can lead to compilation failures. You can resolve this by specifying the OpenCV version. Find the CMakeLists.txt file in the cmake folder and locate the following code:

find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

Either add OpenCV_dir or specify the version before it:

find_package(OpenCV 4.2.0 REQUIRED)


set(OpenCV_DIR "/path_to_your_opencv_dir")
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

Additional Troubleshooting

  • If you encounter other issues, set the log_level parameter to debug. This will generate an SDK log file in the running directory: ~/.ros/Log/OrbbecSDK.log.txt. Please provide this file to the support team for further assistance.
  • If firmware logs are required, set enable_heartbeat to true to activate this feature.

Why Are There So Many Launch Files?

  • Different cameras have varying default resolutions and image formats.
  • To simplify usage, each camera has its own launch file.

Other useful links


Copyright 2024 Orbbec Ltd.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.