[~] publish test status
- configure surefire-report-plugin to generate report
- Configure a single aggregated report for all submodules
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21585037/maven-reporting-and-site-generation-for-multiple-module-project mentions need to have separate aggregator and parent pom
- configure separate parent and aggregator
[ERROR] The project com.orange.cloud.servicebroker:service-broker-filter-core:2.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (/home/guillaume/code/sec-group-broker-filter/service-broker-filter-core/pom.xml) has 1 error [ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM for com.orange.cloud.servicebroker:service-broker-filter-core:2.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com.orange.cloud.servicebroker:service-broker-filter-parent:pom:2.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT and 'parent.relativePath' points at wrong local POM @ line 20, column 13 -> [Help 2]
- => squashed and suspended for now.
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21585037/maven-reporting-and-site-generation-for-multiple-module-project mentions need to have separate aggregator and parent pom
- Copy each report individually with a unique name
- Configure a single aggregated report for all submodules
- review list of tests
- Report has broken GIFs
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21432663/how-to-get-the-icons-for-the-resulted-maven-surefire-report-plugin mentions
mvn site -DgenerateReports=false
however fails with
Failure to find org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent:xml:site_en:2.3.3.RELEASE in https://repo.spring.io/snapshot/ was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of spring-snapshots has elapsed or updates are forced
- spring-projects/spring-boot#3358 says it's not in boot
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21432663/how-to-get-the-icons-for-the-resulted-maven-surefire-report-plugin mentions
- Report has broken GIFs
- add an href into a badge on README
- configure surefire-report-plugin to generate report
fix prometheus exporter endpoint
manually test behavior during binding/unbinding
polish & merge
- rebase/squash
- review logs and adjust default log levels
* Support cf create-service-key command #97
* openjdk 8 252 okHttp compatibility bug #197
* sec-group-broker-filter is embedding vulnerable tomcat version in its jars #52
* sec-group broker filter needs version bumps to be compatible with java buildpack 4.32.1 #198
bump version in paas-templates
- redis
- other sec-groups
- [x ] check this is no dependent on newly introduced properties. Diff manifest file
- revert workaround (jdk8 pinning) in manifest
- manually check status
- delete space prometheus-probe
An unbind operation for the service binding between app probe-internet-apps-domains and service instance ha-internet failed: The service broker rejected the request. Status Code: 404 Not Found, Body: 404 Not Found: Requested route ('internet-sec-group-broker-filter.redacted-domain.org') does not exist. o-intranet-proxy-access https://intranet-proxy-sec-group-broker-filter.redacted-domain.org o-internet-ha-access https://internet-sec-group-broker-filter.redacted-domain.org internet-sec-group-broker-filter.redacted-domain.org
refine smoke test assertions
benefits: allow future maintenance by merging dependabot pr in a "bump" branch, and watch status in concourse pipeline, possibly automated at some time.
sec-group specific assertions
- direct: ASG being created and removed
- after service key, through
assert_create_service_key "${SERVICE_INSTANCE}" "mykey"
- save the service key in a variable or local file
{ "host": "", "password": "0009105c-bd6b-441c-975b-7e85f844abe3", "port": 37903 }
- after service binding: new hook
assert_create_service_binding "${SERVICE_INSTANCE}" "mybinding"
- lookup service binding id from binding name
- save binding id (in env var)
- display security group with same id
- verify security group matches service key
$ cf security-group 345cfd50-6c0a-4323-ac34-ffe5d7117ab5 Getting info for security group 345cfd50-6c0a-4323-ac34-ffe5d7117ab5 as gberche... OK Name 345cfd50-6c0a-4323-ac34-ffe5d7117ab5 Rules [ { "description": "generated by sec group filter broker for service binding 345cfd50-6c0a-4323-ac34-ffe5d7117ab5 to allow access to service instance gberche created from service broker p-redis.", "destination": "", "ports": "39705", "protocol": "tcp" } ] Organization Space #0 service-sandbox sec-group-cf-redis
- after unbinding: new hook
assert_delete_service_binding "${SERVICE_INSTANCE}" "mybinding"
- verify no security group named after binding id
- after service key, through
- indirect: closed ASG in the smoke test space
- Pb: running-security-groups already include
ASG which opens all ports to all services
cf security-group services Getting info for security group services as gberche... OK Name services Rules [ { "description": "any TCP to NET_CF_SERVICES", "destination": "", "ports": "1-65000", "protocol": "tcp" }, { "description": "any TCP to NET_CF_SERVICES_2", "destination": "", "ports": "1-65000", "protocol": "tcp" } ] Organization Space #0 service-sandbox mongodb-smoke-tests #1 service-sandbox cassandra-smoke-tests
- How to assert that requests are rejected before the sec-group-broker-filters opens them ?
- first bind the probe app to a redis instance not faced by sec-group-broker-filter
- requires redis broker to be registered directly, at least in the smoke test space
- set up terraform to
- create smoke test space
- register redis broker with name "direct-p-redis-broker"
- modify smoke test to
cf create-service instance redis -b direct-p-redis-broker
+cf bs
- assert timeout or connection rejected from probe
cf unbind-service
+cf delete-service -f redis
- then proceed with existing probe asserts
- set up terraform to
- requires redis broker to be registered directly, at least in the smoke test space
- first bind the probe app to a redis instance not faced by sec-group-broker-filter
- Pb: running-security-groups already include
- direct: ASG being created and removed
actuator endpoint permissions
- actuator/health is always reacheable without auth
- actuator/ is always returning 401 without auth
investigate the following warning:
2020-09-01T11:22:10.43+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT 2020-09-01 09:22:10.429 INFO 12 --- [-client-epoll-1] cloudfoundry-client.compatibility : Client supports API version 2.145.0 and is connected to server with API version 2.152.0. Things may not work as expected. 2020-09-01T11:22:10.66+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT 2020-09-01 09:22:10.666 INFO 6 --- [-client-epoll-1] cloudfoundry-client.compatibility : Client supports API version 2.145.0 and is connected to server with API version 2.152.0. Things may not work as expected. 2020-09-01T11:22:10.78+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT 2020-09-01 09:22:10.782 INFO 12 --- [ main] c.o.c.s.f.s.BrokerFilterApplication : Started BrokerFilterApplication in 4.317 seconds (JVM running for 5.062) 2020-09-01T11:22:10.89+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT 2020-09-01 09:22:10.892 INFO 6 --- [ main] c.o.c.s.f.s.BrokerFilterApplication : Started BrokerFilterApplication in 4.322 seconds (JVM running for 5.09) 2020-09-01T11:22:11.26+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/1] OUT Exit status 0 2020-09-01T11:22:11.26+0200 [CELL/SSHD/1] OUT Exit status 0 2020-09-01T11:22:11.37+0200 [APP/PROC/WEB/0] OUT Exit status 0 2020-09-01T11:22:11.37+0200 [CELL/SSHD/0] OUT Exit status 0 2020-09-01T11:22:16.63+0200 [CELL/0] OUT Cell 52fb3406-81d7-4ef2-a68f-ea5ff7cf7f3f stopping instance 596801c5-88f8-4419-656d-f953 2020-09-01T11:22:16.63+0200 [CELL/0] OUT Cell 52fb3406-81d7-4ef2-a68f-ea5ff7cf7f3f destroying container for instance 596801c5-88f8-4419-656d-f953 2020-09-01T11:22:16.64+0200 [CELL/1] OUT Cell 76c68bea-605d-42e6-958e-3372371d822b stopping instance b48274e4-d2b7-4339-57a4-3956 2020-09-01T11:22:16.64+0200 [CELL/1] OUT Cell 76c68bea-605d-42e6-958e-3372371d822b destroying container for instance b48274e4-d2b7-4339-57a4-3956 ```