- Removed python 3.8 support
- Updated requirements with python 3.11 env
- Adding python 3.11 support.
- Adding python 3.12 support.
- Removed django32 support.
- Added Django42 support in CI.
- Removed old versions of celery and drf version from ci.
- Switch from
since the former is deprecated
- Removed Python 3.5 support.
- Upgraded celery to latest 5.x version.
- Removed Django22,30,31 support.
- Added Django40 support in CI
- Support for django3.0, 3.1 and 3.2
- Fixed django admin timeout issue.
- Fixed minor issue. If links key is not available assign empty list. Added logs.
- Added celery5.0 testing with tox. Update the import task command compatible with both celery 4.4.7 and celery5.0.
- Removed python3.5 support.
- Added celery 5.0 testing using tox. Fix pylint warnings. Update the code accordingly.
- Updated the deprecated celery import class. New import is compatible with 4.4.7 also.
- Added support for Django REST Framework 3.10.x through 3.12.x
- Added support for celery 4
- Removed code related to Python 2
- Added support for python 3.8
- Dropped support for Django < 2.2
- Dropped Python 2.7 support
- Added support for Django 2.2
- start_user_task should only close obsolete connections if the current connection is NOT in an atomic block (which fixes errors on devstack studio/course-publishing).
- Have the start_user_task receiver close obsolete connections before starting the task.
- Fix issue with UserTaskArtifactAdmin and UserTaskStatusAdmin where ordering attribute must be a tuple or list.
- Improve list display for ModelAdmin.
- Make
with aURLValidator
instead of aURLField
- Upgrade requirements.
- Change
from 200 to 512.
- Added testing/support for Django 1.11.
- Slightly improved handling of tasks which start before their status records are committed (due to database transactions). Also documented how to avoid this problem in the first place.
- Tasks which were explicitly canceled, failed, or retried no longer have
their status changed to
just because the task exited cleanly. - Celery tasks which fail to import cleanly by name (because they use a custom
name which isn't actually the fully qualified task name) are now just ignored
in the
signal handler.
- Add a migration to explicitly reference the setting for artifact file storage.
This setting is likely to vary between installations, but doesn't affect the
generated database schema. This change should prevent
from creating a new migration whenever the setting value changes.
- Fix Travis configuration for PyPI deployments.
- Switch from the Read the Docs Sphinx theme to the Open edX one for documentation.
- First attempt to release on PyPI.