The OpenAI Go library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from applications written in Go. The full API of this library can be found in
import (
"" // imported as openai
Or to pin the version:
go get -u '[email protected]'
This library requires Go 1.18+.
The full API of this library can be found in
package main
import (
func main() {
client := openai.NewClient(
option.WithAPIKey("My API Key"), // defaults to os.LookupEnv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
chatCompletion, err := client.Chat.Completions.New(context.TODO(), openai.ChatCompletionNewParams{
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{
openai.UserMessage("Say this is a test"),
Model: openai.ChatModelGPT4o,
if err != nil {
param := openai.ChatCompletionNewParams{
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{
openai.UserMessage("What kind of houseplant is easy to take care of?"),
Seed: openai.Int(1),
Model: openai.ChatModelGPT4o,
completion, err := client.Chat.Completions.New(ctx, param)
param.Messages = append(param.Messages, completion.Choices[0].Message.ToParam())
param.Messages = append(param.Messages, openai.UserMessage("How big are those?"))
// continue the conversation
completion, err = client.Chat.Completions.New(ctx, param)
Streaming responses
question := "Write an epic"
stream := client.Chat.Completions.NewStreaming(ctx, openai.ChatCompletionNewParams{
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{
Seed: openai.Int(0),
Model: openai.ChatModelGPT4o,
// optionally, an accumulator helper can be used
acc := openai.ChatCompletionAccumulator{}
for stream.Next() {
chunk := stream.Current()
if content, ok := acc.JustFinishedContent(); ok {
println("Content stream finished:", content)
// if using tool calls
if tool, ok := acc.JustFinishedToolCall(); ok {
println("Tool call stream finished:", tool.Index, tool.Name, tool.Arguments)
if refusal, ok := acc.JustFinishedRefusal(); ok {
println("Refusal stream finished:", refusal)
// it's best to use chunks after handling JustFinished events
if len(chunk.Choices) > 0 {
if stream.Err() != nil {
// After the stream is finished, acc can be used like a ChatCompletion
_ = acc.Choices[0].Message.Content
See the [full streaming and accumulation example]./examples/chat-completion-accumulating/main.go)
Tool calling
import (
// ...
// ...
question := "What is the weather in New York City?"
params := openai.ChatCompletionNewParams{
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{
Tools: []openai.ChatCompletionToolParam{
Function: openai.FunctionDefinitionParam{
Name: "get_weather",
Description: openai.String("Get weather at the given location"),
Parameters: openai.FunctionParameters{
"type": "object",
"properties": map[string]interface{}{
"location": map[string]string{
"type": "string",
"required": []string{"location"},
Model: openai.ChatModelGPT4o,
// If there is a was a function call, continue the conversation
params.Messages = append(params.Messages, completion.Choices[0].Message.ToParam())
for _, toolCall := range toolCalls {
if toolCall.Function.Name == "get_weather" {
// Extract the location from the function call arguments
var args map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(toolCall.Function.Arguments), &args)
if err != nil {
location := args["location"].(string)
// Simulate getting weather data
weatherData := getWeather(location)
// Print the weather data
fmt.Printf("Weather in %s: %s\n", location, weatherData)
params.Messages = append(params.Messages, openai.ToolMessage(weatherData, toolCall.ID))
// ... continue the conversation with the information provided by the tool
See the [full tool calling example]./examples/chat-completion-tool-calling/main.go)
Structured outputs
import (
// ...
// A struct that will be converted to a Structured Outputs response schema
type HistoricalComputer struct {
Origin Origin `json:"origin" jsonschema_description:"The origin of the computer"`
Name string `json:"full_name" jsonschema_description:"The name of the device model"`
Legacy string `json:"legacy" jsonschema:"enum=positive,enum=neutral,enum=negative" jsonschema_description:"Its influence on the field of computing"`
NotableFacts []string `json:"notable_facts" jsonschema_description:"A few key facts about the computer"`
type Origin struct {
YearBuilt int64 `json:"year_of_construction" jsonschema_description:"The year it was made"`
Organization string `json:"organization" jsonschema_description:"The organization that was in charge of its development"`
func GenerateSchema[T any]() interface{} {
// Structured Outputs uses a subset of JSON schema
// These flags are necessary to comply with the subset
reflector := jsonschema.Reflector{
AllowAdditionalProperties: false,
DoNotReference: true,
var v T
schema := reflector.Reflect(v)
return schema
// Generate the JSON schema at initialization time
var HistoricalComputerResponseSchema = GenerateSchema[HistoricalComputer]()
func main() {
// ...
question := "What computer ran the first neural network?"
schemaParam := openai.ResponseFormatJSONSchemaJSONSchemaParam{
Name: "historical_computer",
Description: openai.String("Notable information about a computer"),
Schema: HistoricalComputerResponseSchema,
Strict: openai.Bool(true),
chat, _ := client.Chat.Completions.New(ctx, openai.ChatCompletionNewParams{
// ...
ResponseFormat: openai.ChatCompletionNewParamsResponseFormatUnion{
OfJSONSchema: &openai.ResponseFormatJSONSchemaParam{
JSONSchema: schemaParam,
// only certain models can perform structured outputs
Model: openai.ChatModelGPT4o2024_08_06,
// extract into a well-typed struct
var historicalComputer HistoricalComputer
_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(chat.Choices[0].Message.Content), &historicalComputer)
for i, fact := range historicalComputer.NotableFacts {
// ...
See the full structured outputs example
The openai library uses the omitzero
semantics from the Go 1.24+ encoding/json
release for request fields.
Required primitive fields (int64
, string
, etc.) feature the tag `json:...,required`
. These
fields are always serialized, even their zero values.
Optional primitive types are wrapped in a param.Opt[T]
. Use the provided constructors set param.Opt[T]
fields such as openai.String(string)
, openai.Int(int64)
, etc.
Optional primitives, maps, slices and structs and string enums (represented as string
) always feature the
tag `json:"...,omitzero"`
. Their zero values are considered omitted.
Any non-nil slice of length zero will serialize as an empty JSON array, "[]"
. Similarly, any non-nil map with length zero with serialize as an empty JSON object, "{}"
To send null
instead of an param.Opt[T]
, use param.NullOpt[T]()
To send null
instead of a struct, use param.NullObj[T]()
, where T
is a struct.
To send a custom value instead of a struct, use param.OverrideObj[T](value)
To override request structs contain a .WithExtraFields(map[string]any)
method which can be used to
send non-conforming fields in the request body. Extra fields take higher precedence than normal
params := FooParams{
ID: "id_xxx", // required property
Name: openai.String("hello"), // optional property
Description: param.NullOpt[string](), // explicit null property
Point: openai.Point{
X: 0, // required field will serialize as 0
Y: openai.Int(1), // optional field will serialize as 1
// ... omitted non-required fields will not be serialized
Origin: openai.Origin{}, // the zero value of [Origin] is considered omitted
// In cases where the API specifies a given type,
// but you want to send something else, use [WithExtraFields]:
"x": 0.01, // send "x" as a float instead of int
// Send a number instead of an object
custom := param.OverrideObj[openai.FooParams](12)
When available, use the .IsPresent()
method to check if an optional parameter is not omitted or null
Otherwise, the param.IsOmitted(any)
function can confirm the presence of any omitzero
Unions are represented as a struct with fields prefixed by "Of" for each of it's variants, only one field can be non-zero. The non-zero field will be serialized.
Properties can be accessed via getters on the union struct. These getters return a mutable pointer to the underlying data, if present.
// Only one field can be non-zero, use param.IsOmitted() to check if a field is set
type AnimalUnionParam struct {
OfCat *Cat `json:",omitzero,inline`
OfDog *Dog `json:",omitzero,inline`
animal := AnimalUnionParam{
OfCat: &Cat{
Name: "Whiskers",
Owner: PersonParam{
Address: AddressParam{Street: "3333 Coyote Hill Rd", Zip: 0},
// Mutating a field
if address := animal.GetOwner().GetAddress(); address != nil {
address.ZipCode = 94304
All fields in response structs are value types (not pointers or wrappers).
If a given field is null
, not present, or invalid, the corresponding field
will simply be its zero value.
All response structs also include a special JSON
field, containing more detailed
information about each property, which you can use like so:
if res.Name == "" {
// true if `"name"` was unmarshalled successfully
res.JSON.Name.IsExplicitNull() // true if `"name"` is explicitly null
res.JSON.Name.Raw() == "" // true if `"name"` field does not exist
// When the API returns data that cannot be coerced to the expected type:
if !res.JSON.Name.IsPresent() && res.JSON.Name.Raw() != "" {
raw := res.JSON.Name.Raw()
legacyName := struct{
First string `json:"first"`
Last string `json:"last"`
json.Unmarshal([]byte(raw), &legacyName)
name = legacyName.First + " " + legacyName.Last
These .JSON
structs also include an ExtraFields
map containing
any properties in the json response that were not specified
in the struct. This can be useful for API features not yet
present in the SDK.
body := res.JSON.ExtraFields["my_unexpected_field"].Raw()
In responses, unions are represented by a flattened struct containing all possible fields from each of the
object variants.
To convert it to a variant use the .AsFooVariant()
method or the .AsAny()
method if present.
If a response value union contains primitive values, primitive fields will be alongside
the properties but prefixed with Of
and feature the tag json:"...,inline"
type AnimalUnion struct {
OfString string `json:",inline"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Owner Person `json:"owner"`
// ...
JSON struct {
OfString resp.Field
Name resp.Field
Owner resp.Field
// ...
// If animal variant
if animal.Owner.Address.JSON.ZipCode == "" {
panic("missing zip code")
// If string variant
if !animal.OfString == "" {
panic("expected a name")
// Switch on the variant
switch variant := animalOrName.AsAny().(type) {
case string:
case Dog:
case Cat:
panic("unexpected type")
This library uses the functional options pattern. Functions defined in the
package return a RequestOption
, which is a closure that mutates a
. These options can be supplied to the client or at individual
requests. For example:
client := openai.NewClient(
// Adds a header to every request made by the client
option.WithHeader("X-Some-Header", "custom_header_info"),
client.Chat.Completions.New(context.TODO(), ...,
// Override the header
option.WithHeader("X-Some-Header", "some_other_custom_header_info"),
// Add an undocumented field to the request body, using sjson syntax
option.WithJSONSet("some.json.path", map[string]string{"my": "object"}),
See the full list of request options.
This library provides some conveniences for working with paginated list endpoints.
You can use .ListAutoPaging()
methods to iterate through items across all pages:
iter := client.FineTuning.Jobs.ListAutoPaging(context.TODO(), openai.FineTuningJobListParams{
Limit: openai.Int(20),
// Automatically fetches more pages as needed.
for iter.Next() {
fineTuningJob := iter.Current()
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", fineTuningJob)
if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
Or you can use simple .List()
methods to fetch a single page and receive a standard response object
with additional helper methods like .GetNextPage()
, e.g.:
page, err := client.FineTuning.Jobs.List(context.TODO(), openai.FineTuningJobListParams{
Limit: openai.Int(20),
for page != nil {
for _, job := range page.Data {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", job)
page, err = page.GetNextPage()
if err != nil {
When the API returns a non-success status code, we return an error with type
. This contains the StatusCode
, *http.Request
, and
values of the request, as well as the JSON of the error body
(much like other response objects in the SDK).
To handle errors, we recommend that you use the errors.As
_, err := client.FineTuning.Jobs.New(context.TODO(), openai.FineTuningJobNewParams{
Model: "babbage-002",
TrainingFile: "file-abc123",
if err != nil {
var apierr *openai.Error
if errors.As(err, &apierr) {
println(string(apierr.DumpRequest(true))) // Prints the serialized HTTP request
println(string(apierr.DumpResponse(true))) // Prints the serialized HTTP response
panic(err.Error()) // GET "/fine_tuning/jobs": 400 Bad Request { ... }
When other errors occur, they are returned unwrapped; for example,
if HTTP transport fails, you might receive *url.Error
wrapping *net.OpError
Requests do not time out by default; use context to configure a timeout for a request lifecycle.
Note that if a request is retried, the context timeout does not start over.
To set a per-retry timeout, use option.WithRequestTimeout()
// This sets the timeout for the request, including all the retries.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{{
OfUser: &openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParam{
Content: openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParamContentUnion{
OfString: openai.String("How can I list all files in a directory using Python?"),
Model: shared.ChatModelO3Mini,
// This sets the per-retry timeout
Request parameters that correspond to file uploads in multipart requests are typed as
. The contents of the io.Reader
will by default be sent as a multipart form
part with the file name of "anonymous_file" and content-type of "application/octet-stream".
The file name and content-type can be customized by implementing Name() string
or ContentType() string
on the run-time type of io.Reader
. Note that os.File
implements Name() string
, so a
file returned by os.Open
will be sent with the file name on disk.
We also provide a helper openai.FileParam(reader io.Reader, filename string, contentType string)
which can be used to wrap any io.Reader
with the appropriate file name and content type.
// A file from the file system
file, err := os.Open("input.jsonl")
File: openai.F[io.Reader](file),
Purpose: openai.FilePurposeFineTune,
// A file from a string
File: openai.F[io.Reader](strings.NewReader("my file contents")),
Purpose: openai.FilePurposeFineTune,
// With a custom filename and contentType
File: openai.FileParam(strings.NewReader(`{"hello": "foo"}`), "file.go", "application/json"),
Purpose: openai.FilePurposeFineTune,
Certain errors will be automatically retried 2 times by default, with a short exponential backoff. We retry by default all connection errors, 408 Request Timeout, 409 Conflict, 429 Rate Limit, and >=500 Internal errors.
You can use the WithMaxRetries
option to configure or disable this:
// Configure the default for all requests:
client := openai.NewClient(
option.WithMaxRetries(0), // default is 2
// Override per-request:
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{{
OfUser: &openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParam{
Content: openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParamContentUnion{
OfString: openai.String("How can I get the name of the current day in JavaScript?"),
Model: shared.ChatModelO3Mini,
You can access the raw HTTP response data by using the option.WithResponseInto()
request option. This is useful when
you need to examine response headers, status codes, or other details.
// Create a variable to store the HTTP response
var response *http.Response
chatCompletion, err := client.Chat.Completions.New(
Messages: []openai.ChatCompletionMessageParamUnion{{
OfUser: &openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParam{
Content: openai.ChatCompletionUserMessageParamContentUnion{
OfString: openai.String("Say this is a test"),
Model: shared.ChatModelO3Mini,
if err != nil {
// handle error
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", chatCompletion)
fmt.Printf("Status Code: %d\n", response.StatusCode)
fmt.Printf("Headers: %+#v\n", response.Header)
This library is typed for convenient access to the documented API. If you need to access undocumented endpoints, params, or response properties, the library can still be used.
To make requests to undocumented endpoints, you can use client.Get
, client.Post
, and other HTTP verbs.
on the client, such as retries, will be respected when making these requests.
var (
// params can be an io.Reader, a []byte, an encoding/json serializable object,
// or a "…Params" struct defined in this library.
params map[string]interface{}
// result can be an []byte, *http.Response, a encoding/json deserializable object,
// or a model defined in this library.
result *http.Response
err := client.Post(context.Background(), "/unspecified", params, &result)
if err != nil {
To make requests using undocumented parameters, you may use either the option.WithQuerySet()
or the option.WithJSONSet()
params := FooNewParams{
ID: "id_xxxx",
Data: FooNewParamsData{
FirstName: openai.String("John"),
client.Foo.New(context.Background(), params, option.WithJSONSet("data.last_name", "Doe"))
To access undocumented response properties, you may either access the raw JSON of the response as a string
with result.JSON.RawJSON()
, or get the raw JSON of a particular field on the result with
Any fields that are not present on the response struct will be saved and can be accessed by result.JSON.ExtraFields()
which returns the extra fields as a map[string]Field
We provide option.WithMiddleware
which applies the given
middleware to requests.
func Logger(req *http.Request, next option.MiddlewareNext) (res *http.Response, err error) {
// Before the request
start := time.Now()
// Forward the request to the next handler
res, err = next(req)
// Handle stuff after the request
end := time.Now()
LogRes(res, err, start - end)
return res, err
client := openai.NewClient(
When multiple middlewares are provided as variadic arguments, the middlewares
are applied left to right. If option.WithMiddleware
is given
multiple times, for example first in the client then the method, the
middleware in the client will run first and the middleware given in the method
will run next.
You may also replace the default http.Client
. Only one http client is
accepted (this overwrites any previous client) and receives requests after any
middleware has been applied.
To use this library with [Azure OpenAI], use the ption.RequestOption functions in the azure
package main
import (
func main() {
const azureOpenAIEndpoint = "https://<azure-openai-resource>"
// The latest API versions, including previews, can be found here:
// ttps://
const azureOpenAIAPIVersion = "2024-06-01"
tokenCredential, err := azidentity.NewDefaultAzureCredential(nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to create the DefaultAzureCredential: %s", err)
client := openai.NewClient(
azure.WithEndpoint(azureOpenAIEndpoint, azureOpenAIAPIVersion),
// Choose between authenticating using a TokenCredential or an API Key
// or azure.WithAPIKey(azureOpenAIAPIKey),
This package generally follows SemVer conventions, though certain backwards-incompatible changes may be released as minor versions:
- Changes to library internals which are technically public but not intended or documented for external use. (Please open a GitHub issue to let us know if you are relying on such internals.)
- Changes that we do not expect to impact the vast majority of users in practice.
We take backwards-compatibility seriously and work hard to ensure you can rely on a smooth upgrade experience.
We are keen for your feedback; please open an issue with questions, bugs, or suggestions.