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diff --git a/docs/conferences/oSC24/openSUSEway.md b/docs/conferences/oSC24/openSUSEway.md
index 217e2de..c04acb2 100644
--- a/docs/conferences/oSC24/openSUSEway.md
+++ b/docs/conferences/oSC24/openSUSEway.md
@@ -1,22 +1,290 @@
- openSUSE way
+ openSUSEway
a Sway Desktop Environment for openSUSE
- Filippo Bonazzi and Denys Kondratenko
- F@email.org and stdden@opensuse.org
+ Filippo Bonazzi and Denys Kondratenko
+ filippo.bonazzi@suse.com stdden@opensuse.org
-## Slide 1
+## Why
+1. Tiling
+ - simple, lightweight, keyboard-centric, good-looking, fun
+2. Wayland
+ - modern, secure, simple
+3. Sway
+ - 1 + 2 = 3
+4. openSUSE
+ Filippo
-## Slide 2
+## What
-## Slide 2-2
+- coherent collection of tools and configs
+- openSUSE look out of the box
+- simple to override*
+ Filippo + Denys: We intentionaly keep it simple, to start. It is quite mature.
+## Who
+ Denys:
+ - Started in 2020 by Denys
+ - Presented at oSC in 2020, 2021, 2022
+ - Small, growing contributor base ever since
+## Features
+ - sway
+ - waybar
+ - wofi
+ - alacritty
+ |
+ |
+ - swaylock
+ - swaync
+ - wob
+ - greetd
+ |
+ Filippo: We got here over the years, and most of them were contributed by commnity. We are open to improve, replace and bring new tools.
+## Sway
+ Filippo
+## Sway
+- openSUSE theme
+- lock screen (swaylock)
+- multimedia support (keys, touch, audio, etc)
+- screenshots (grim)
+- system mode menu
+- floating windows
+ Filippo talk about:
+ - touch
+ - media buttons
+ - audio
+ - bluetooth
+## Waybar
+- Numbered workspaces, Geeko marks active
+- Window title
+- Tray area
+- Widgets
+ - zypper
+ - scratchpad
+ - calendar
+ Denys
+## Wofi
+We are searching for a replacement
+ Denys
+## Swaync
+ Filippo
+## Greetd
+ Filippo
+## Live demo
+ Features to show:
+ - Waybar
+ - Workspaces
+ - Widgets (zypper, bluetooth, calendar, scratchpad)
+ - notifications
+ - push some with sway
+ - Wob - volume, brightness
+ - Screenshot menu
+ - System menu
+# Issues
+## Installation
+Needs to enable all services
+sudo mv /etc/greetd/config.toml /etc/greetd/config.toml.org
+sudo mv /etc/greetd/config.toml.way /etc/greetd/config.toml
+sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target
+sudo systemctl enable greetd
+ Filippo, greetd-branding might be needed
+## Hardcodes
+- hardcoded paths
+- user configuration management
+ Filippo
+## MicroOS
+ - SELinux
+ - transactions
+ Filippo
+### Other projects
+ - Greybeard
+ - Moldavite
+ Filippo
+## ARM
+- openSUSE supports variety of ARM platforms
+- ARM is rising
+ Denys
+ - JeOS image + regular installations (1Gb xz, 3.9GB)
+ - could create pre-built JeOS
+## Boot
+- gfxboot is not supported
+- packages could be excluded:
+ `%ifarch x86_64 %{ix86}`
+ Denys
+## Packages
+- some packages aren't built/supported
+- needs additional config changes
+ Denys, Possible issues:
+ - alacritty was missing but now there
+ - to minimize installation we might strip some packages: perl, python...
+ - Mesa-dri-vc4 driver is needed for RPi 4
+## Future
+- Support other login managers
+- Better installer integration
+- Edit screenshots with Swappy
+- Exponential brightness control
+ Filippo:
+ - Simplify trying out openSUSEway desktop without greetd
+ - Bluetooth
+ - YaST
+## How
+ |
+ |
+ |
+Happy to accept contributions :)
+ Denys
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85e9bdd
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diff --git a/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync.png b/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2f2775
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync.png differ
diff --git a/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync1.png b/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab75377
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/conferences/oSC24/swaync1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18af28c
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