NOTE: This template can be downloaded here and edited with any text editor. Please keep the wiki syntax. ##Proposal The [NewProjectName] project is a proposed open source project under the [ContainerProjectName] Container Project (WP1, WP1, ..).
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the openETCS Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the openETCS community. Please send all feedback to this mailing list [email protected].
The following individuals are proposed as initial committers to the project:
- Committer 1, Affiliation, Committer 1 is a committer on the *** project where he has made significant contributions over many years. S/he will be contribute to the *** functionality in this new project.
- Committer 2, Affiliation, Committer 2 has significant knowledge in the area of this project. S/he will contribute to the XXX functionality in this new project.
We welcome additional committers and contributions.
The following Architecture Council members will mentor this project:
- Mentor 1
- Mentor 2
The following individuals, organisations, companies and projects have expressed interest in this project:
- Somebody, Affiliation
- Somebody else, Affiliation