This document serves as the change log for the ONIXLabs Kotlin Core API.
Represents the base class for implementing type converters. Type converters represent a mechanism to convert from one type to another, using type-safe convensions.
The following type converters are implemented:
- BigDecimalTypeConverter
- BigIntegerTypeConverter
- BooleanTypeConverter
- ByteTypeConverter
- CharTypeConverter
- DoubleTypeConverter
- FloatTypeConverter
- IntTypeConverter
- LongTypeConverter
- ShortTypeConverter
- StringTypeConverter
- UUIDTypeConverter
- Renamed
. - Renamed
Specifies constants that define background and foreground console colors.
Represents an ordinal occurrence of a day in the month.
Specifies the ordinal occurrence of a day in the month.
- Extension to determine whether the number of elements that satisfy the specified predicate match the expected count.
- Extension to determine whether the iterable is empty or not empty.
- Extensions to determine whether the content in two iterable collections is identical.
- Extension to determine whether the specified value represents an integer.
- Extension to obtain the kotlin class of an object instance.
- Extensions to create an instance of the specified kotlin class.
- Extension to get the primary constructor for the specified kotlin class.
- Extensions to get immutable and mutable properties from the specified kotlin class.
- Extension to get the simple name or fully qualified name, including type arguments for the specified kotlin type.
- Extension to add days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds and nanoseconds to the specified duration.
- Extensions to convert the specified duration to seconds, or to microseconds.
- Extension to convert the specified duration to the total length of the specified time unit.
- Constant Byte representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extensions to convert Byte to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
- Print and print-line actions which output the result of an action block.
- Print and print-line actions which output text in color using the ConsoleColor enum.
- Constant Double representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extension to determine whether the specified Double value represents an integer.
- Extensions to convert Double to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
- Constant Float representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extension to determine whether the specified Float value represents an integer.
- Extensions to convert Float to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
- Constant Int representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extensions to convert Int to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
- Extension to for-each over a sequence of items.
- Constant Long representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extensions to convert Long to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
- Constant Short representations of ZERO and ONE.
- Extensions to convert Short to BigInteger or BigDecimal.
#### String Extensions
- Extension to wrap the current string inside the specified start and end strings.
- Extensions to format strings as...
- lower_snake_case
- lower-kebab-case