Packup is a Rake helper for building Windows installers. It helps you write simple MSI packages.
Write a Rakefile:
require 'packup'
Packup.stuff 'Magic' do
author 'Wizard'
version '1.0.0'
file 'src/README' => '/docs/readme.txt'
file 'src/wand.exe' => '/bin/wand.exe'
Build a MSI and install it:
% rake msi
% msiexec /i wix\Magic.msi
Packup requires the WiX Toolset be installed. If the WIX_HOME environment variable is set, Packup will look for binaries in a "bin" folder there. If the toolset can't be found, it will assume the binaries are on your PATH.
Packup is available under an MIT-style license. See the {} document for more information.