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File metadata and controls

117 lines (85 loc) · 4.26 KB


SimpleOCR is a Simba plugin for reading text in Old School RuneScape originally developed by @slackydev.

The algorithm is very much designed for OSRS (blocky text with no anti-aliasing). Every pixel of the glyph must match for for a character to be recognized.

The actual character recognition is quite similar to using Simba's FindBitmap for every character in the fontset.

Exported Methods

procedure TFontSet.Load(FileName: String; Space: Integer = 4);

function TSimpleOCR.Recognize(Area: TBox; Filter: TOCRFilter; Font: TFontSet): String;
function TSimpleOCR.RecognizeStatic(Area: TBox; Filter: TOCRFilter; Font: TFontSet; MaxWalk: Integer = 20): String;
function TSimpleOCR.RecognizeLines(Area: TBox; Filter: TOCRFilter; Font: TFontSet; out TextBounds: TBoxArray): TStringArray; overload;
function TSimpleOCR.RecognizeLines(Area: TBox; Filter: TOCRFilter; Font: TFontSet): TStringArray; overload;
function TSimpleOCR.RecognizeNumber(Area: TBox; Filter: TOCRFilter; Font: TFontSet): Int64;

function TSimpleOCR.LocateText(Area: TBox; Text: String; constref Font: TFontSet; Filter: TOCRFilter; out Bounds: TBox): Single; overload;
function TSimpleOCR.LocateText(Area: TBox; Text: String; constref Font: TFontSet; Filter: TOCRFilter; MinMatch: Single): Boolean; overload;

function TSimpleOCR.TextToMatrix(Text: String; constref Font: TFontSet): TIntegerMatrix;
function TSimpleOCR.TextToTPA(Text: String; constref Font: TFontSet): TPointArray; 


  • AnyColor Filter

    The first pixel (highlighted in red) of the character being checked is the color used, all other of the character must fall within Tolerance of that.

    If the fontset has a shadow each RGB value of a possible shadow point must be below MaxShadowValue.

    function TOCRAnyColorFilter.Create(Tolerance: Integer; MaxShadowValue: Integer): TOCRAnyColorFilter; static;


    This filter is generally used for uptext reading.

  • Color filter

    Basic color finding.

    function TOCRColorFilter.Create(Colors, Tolerances: TIntegerArray): TOCRColorFilter; static;
    function TOCRColorFilter.Create(Colors: TIntegerArray): TOCRColorFilter; static; overload;


    TOCRColorFilter.Create([$0000FF]); // Find color red


    Example with tolerance:

    TOCRColorFilter.Create([$FFFFFF], [100]); // Find color white with 100 tolerance


  • Invert Color Filter

    Basic color finding but inverted.

    function TOCRInvertColorFilter.Create(Colors, Tolerances: TIntegerArray): TOCRInvertColorFilter; static; overload;
    function TOCRInvertColorFilter.Create(Colors: TIntegerArray): TOCRInvertColorFilter; static; overload;


    TOCRInvertColorFilter.Create([3358536, 0], [3, 10]); // Everything but brown and black (text shadow)


  • Threshold Filter

    If a pixel brightness value is greater than a threshold amount, it is assigned white, else it is assigned black.

    function TOCRThresholdFilter.Create(Amount: Integer; Invert: Boolean = False): TOCRThresholdFilter; static;


    TOCRThresholdFilter.Create(10); // Orange and red are brighter than the brown background


  • Shadow Filter

    First shadows are found using average R,G,B value. Shadow = (R+G+B) div 3 < MaxShadowValue

    Next shadow pixels are offset by -1,-1. The most common color from the offset pixels is used for the search color.

    function TOCRShadowFilter.Create(MaxShadowValue: Integer = 25; Tolerance: Integer = 5): TOCRShadowFilter; static; 




Locate Text

The LocateText function does not OCR! An "image" of the desired text is generated with TextToMatrix/TextToTPA and searched for. Again quite similar to Simba's FindBitmap.

  • Works well with TOCRAnyColorFilter. Although this is slower.
  • Will not work if the spacing between characters is dynamic.