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New Queue System for ChatMain #2556

taoeffect opened this issue Jan 28, 2025 · 1 comment · Fixed by #2696

New Queue System for ChatMain #2556

taoeffect opened this issue Jan 28, 2025 · 1 comment · Fixed by #2696
App:Frontend Kind:Enhancement Improvements, new features, performance upgrades, etc. Level:Advanced Note:UI/UX Priority:High


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taoeffect commented Jan 28, 2025


The design of ChatMain.vue is very problematic. It is currently causing tests to fail because of its very async natural and the way it handles switching chatrooms.

Because of its poor design in handling switching chatrooms, all over the code are lines like this after almost every await:

if (!this.checkEventSourceConsistency(chatRoomID)) return

And this from bd0d0d1:

if (this.renderingChatRoomId !== this.summary.chatroomID) // NOTE: this is actually a bug, it should be this.ephemeral.renderingChatRoomId

We are checking this.summary.chatroomID, this.ephemeral.renderingChatRoomId, this.currentChatRoomId all over the place. This is wrong. We should be using only a single renderingChatRoomId for the component, and nothing else.


Redesign how ChatMain handles switching chatrooms.

Make it so that ChatMain only cares about a single "chatroomID" variable, e.g. renderingChatRoomId or whatever.

Every time a switch in chatroomID is detected, do not mess with any of ChatMain's variables. Do not update anything. Instead, create a request to ChatMain for ChatMain to process in its own time, on a queue. This request will say, "Please update your renderingChatRoomId to this new value", and ChatMain will in the meantime ignore all new messages that come in on other chatroomID contracts.

In other words, ChatMain will process requests from a queue to update the current chatroomID in its ephemeral data. And these requests can stack up. So for example, Cypress can rapidly switch from chatroom to chatroom but ChatMain will only render and show chatroom for its own internal ephemeral.chatroomID (renderingChatRoomId, whatever). It will process any requests to update this variable in sequence, one at a time.

*Note: when pulling events off of this internal queue, ChatMain can also check this size of the queue. For example, it can decide that if there are more than 1 request on the queue, it can pop() and ignore the old ones and just process the most recent one, to speed things up.

With these changes made, you should be able to greatly clean up ChatMain and remove all paranoid and DRY-violating calls to checkEventSourceConsistency etc.

One last note: PR #2555 should probably be merged first as it makes a few changes to ChatMain in an attempt to fix the Cypress tests.

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FYI, here is the solution that Grok 3 came up with to this issue, in case it's at all helpful (feel free to do a diff on it to see what changed):

<template lang='pug'>
  :class='{ "is-dnd-active": dndState && dndState.isActive }'
    v-if='dndState && dndState.isActive'



      :class='{"c-invisible": !ephemeral.messagesInitiated}'


      template(v-for='(message, index) in messages')
          v-if='changeDay(index) || isNew(message.hash)'
          :class='{"is-new": isNew(message.hash)}'
          i18n.c-new(v-if='isNew(message.hash)' :class='{"is-new-date": changeDay(index)}') New
          span(v-else-if='changeDay(index)') {{proximityDate(message.datetime)}}

          :class='{removed: message.delete}'
          @edit-message='(newMessage) => editMessage(message, newMessage)'
          @delete-attachment='manifestCid => deleteAttachment(message, manifestCid)'
          @add-emoticon='addEmoticon(message, $event)'



import sbp from '@sbp/sbp'
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { GIMessage } from '~/shared/domains/chelonia/GIMessage.js'
import { L } from '@common/common.js'
import Vue from 'vue'
import Avatar from '@components/Avatar.vue'
import InfiniteLoading from 'vue-infinite-loading'
import Message from './Message.vue'
import MessageInteractive, { interactiveMessage } from './MessageInteractive.vue'
import MessageNotification from './MessageNotification.vue'
import MessagePoll from './MessagePoll.vue'
import ConversationGreetings from '@containers/chatroom/ConversationGreetings.vue'
import SendArea from './SendArea.vue'
import ViewArea from './ViewArea.vue'
import Emoticons from './Emoticons.vue'
import TouchLinkHelper from './TouchLinkHelper.vue'
import DragActiveOverlay from './file-attachment/DragActiveOverlay.vue'
import { findMessageIdx } from '@model/contracts/shared/functions.js'
import { proximityDate, MINS_MILLIS } from '@model/contracts/shared/time.js'
import { cloneDeep, debounce, throttle, delay } from '@model/contracts/shared/giLodash.js'
import { EVENT_HANDLED } from '~/shared/domains/chelonia/events.js'
import { compressImage } from '@utils/image.js'

const ignorableScrollDistanceInPixel = 500

const onChatScroll = function () {
  if (!this.$refs.conversation || !this.renderingSummary.isJoined) return

  const curScrollTop = this.$refs.conversation.scrollTop
  const curScrollBottom = curScrollTop + this.$refs.conversation.clientHeight
  const scrollTopMax = this.$refs.conversation.scrollHeight - this.$refs.conversation.clientHeight
  this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance = scrollTopMax - curScrollTop

  for (let i = this.messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    const msg = this.messages[i]
    if (msg.pending || msg.hasFailed) continue
    const offsetTop = this.$refs[msg.hash][0].$el.offsetTop
    const height = this.$refs[msg.hash][0].$el.clientHeight
    if (offsetTop + height <= curScrollBottom) {
      const bottomMessageCreatedHeight = msg.height
      const latestMessageCreatedHeight = this.currentChatRoomReadUntil?.createdHeight
      if (!latestMessageCreatedHeight || latestMessageCreatedHeight <= bottomMessageCreatedHeight) {
          messageHash: msg.hash,
          createdHeight: msg.height

  if (!this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated && this.renderingChatRoomId) return

  if (this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance > ignorableScrollDistanceInPixel) {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.messages.length - 1; i++) {
      const msg = this.messages[i]
      if (msg.pending || msg.hasFailed) continue
      const offsetTop = this.$refs[msg.hash][0].$el.offsetTop
      const scrollMarginTop = parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(this.$refs[msg.hash][0].$el).scrollMarginTop || 0)
      if (offsetTop - scrollMarginTop > curScrollTop) {
          chatRoomID: this.renderingChatRoomId,
          messageHash: msg.hash
  } else if (this.currentChatRoomScrollPosition) {
      chatRoomID: this.renderingChatRoomId,
      messageHash: null

export default {
  name: 'ChatMain',
  components: {
  props: {
    summary: {
      type: Object,
      required: true
  data () {
    return {
      config: {
        isPhone: null
      latestEvents: [],
      nonReactive: {},
      ephemeral: {
        startedUnreadMessageHash: null,
        scrolledDistance: 0,
        onChatScroll: null,
        infiniteLoading: null,
        messagesInitiated: undefined,
        scrollHashOnInitialLoad: null,
        replyingMessage: null,
        replyingTo: null,
        unprocessedEvents: []
      messageState: {
        contract: {}
      dndState: {
        isActive: false
      renderingChatRoomId: null,
      renderingSummary: null,
      chatroomSwitchQueue: [],
      isProcessingSwitch: false
  created () {
    this.matchMediaPhone = window.matchMedia('screen and (max-width: 639px)')
    this.matchMediaPhone.onchange = (e) => {
      this.config.isPhone = e.matches
    this.config.isPhone = this.matchMediaPhone.matches
  mounted () {
    this.ephemeral.onChatScroll = debounce(onChatScroll.bind(this), 500)
    if (this.summary.chatRoomID) {
      this.chatroomSwitchQueue.push({ chatRoomId: this.summary.chatRoomID, summary: cloneDeep(this.summary) })
    sbp('', EVENT_HANDLED, this.listenChatRoomActions)
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeEventHandler)
  beforeDestroy () {
    sbp('', EVENT_HANDLED, this.listenChatRoomActions)
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeEventHandler)
    this.matchMediaPhone.onchange = null
  computed: {
    currentUserAttr () {
      return {
        id: this.ourIdentityContractId
    isScrolledUp () {
      if (!this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance) return false
      return this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance > ignorableScrollDistanceInPixel
    messages () {
      return this.messageState.contract?.messages || []
    isGroupCreator () {
      if (!this.isGroupDirectMessage(this.renderingChatRoomId)) {
        return === this.currentGroupOwnerID
      return false
  methods: {
    messageType (message) {
      return {
        [MESSAGE_TYPES.NOTIFICATION]: 'message-notification',
        [MESSAGE_TYPES.INTERACTIVE]: 'message-interactive',
        [MESSAGE_TYPES.TEXT]: 'message',
        [MESSAGE_TYPES.POLL]: 'message-poll'
    isMsgSender (from) {
      return === from
    who (message) {
      const user = this.isMsgSender(message.from) ? this.currentUserAttr : this.renderingSummary.participants[message.from]
      return user?.displayName || user?.username || sbp('namespace/lookupReverseCached', message.from) || message.from
    variant (message) {
      if (message.hasFailed) return MESSAGE_VARIANTS.FAILED
      if (message.pending) return MESSAGE_VARIANTS.PENDING
      return this.isMsgSender(message.from) ? MESSAGE_VARIANTS.SENT : MESSAGE_VARIANTS.RECEIVED
    replyingMessageText (message) {
      return message.replyingMessage?.text || ''
    time (strTime) {
      return new Date(strTime)
    avatar (from) {
        return this.currentUserAttr.picture
      return this.renderingSummary.participants[from]?.picture
    isSameSender (index) {
      if (!this.messages[index - 1]) return false
      if (this.messages[index].type !== MESSAGE_TYPES.TEXT) return false
      if (this.messages[index].type !== this.messages[index - 1].type) return false
      const timeBetween = new Date(this.messages[index].datetime).getTime() -
        new Date(this.messages[index - 1].datetime).getTime()
      if (timeBetween > MINS_MILLIS * 10) return false
      return this.messages[index].from === this.messages[index - 1].from
    stopReplying () {
      this.ephemeral.replyingMessage = null
      this.ephemeral.replyingTo = null
    handleSendMessage (text, attachments, replyingMessage) {
      const hasAttachments = attachments?.length > 0
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId

      const data = { type: MESSAGE_TYPES.TEXT, text }
      if (replyingMessage) {
        data.replyingMessage = replyingMessage
        if (!replyingMessage.text) {
          const msg = this.messages.find(m => (m.hash === replyingMessage.hash))
          if (msg) data.replyingMessage.text = msg.attachments[0].name

      const sendMessage = (beforePrePublish) => {
        let pendingMessageHash = null
        const beforeRequest = (message, oldMessage) => {
          sbp('okTurtles.eventQueue/queueEvent', CHATROOM_EVENTS, async () => {
            const msg = this.messages.find(m => (m.hash === oldMessage.hash()))
            if (!msg) {
              Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', await sbp('chelonia/in/processMessage', message, this.messageState.contract))
            } else {
              msg.hash = message.hash()
              msg.height = message.height()
              pendingMessageHash = message.hash()
        sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/addMessage', {
          hooks: { beforeRequest }
        }).catch((e) => {
          if (e.cause?.name === 'ChelErrorFetchServerTimeFailed') {
            alert(L("Can't send message when offline, please connect to the Internet"))
          } else {
            const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(pendingMessageHash, this.messages)
            if (msgIndex > 0) Vue.set(this.messages[msgIndex], 'hasFailed', true)
      const uploadAttachments = async () => {
        try {
          attachments = await this.checkAndCompressImages(attachments)
          data.attachments = await sbp('gi.actions/identity/uploadFiles', {
            billableContractID: contractID
          return true
        } catch (e) {
          console.log('[ChatMain.vue]: something went wrong while uploading attachments ', e)
          throw e

      if (!hasAttachments) {
      } else {
        let temporaryMessage = null
        sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/addMessage', {
          hooks: {
            preSendCheck: async (message, state) => {
              Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', await sbp('chelonia/in/processMessage', message, this.messageState.contract))
              temporaryMessage = this.messages.find((m) => m.hash === message.hash())
              return false
        }).then(async () => {
          await uploadAttachments()
          const removeTemporaryMessage = () => {
            if (temporaryMessage) {
              const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(temporaryMessage.hash, this.messages)
              this.messages.splice(msgIndex, 1)
        }).catch((e) => {
          if (e.cause?.name === 'ChelErrorFetchServerTimeFailed') {
            alert(L("Can't send message when offline, please connect to the Internet"))
          } else {
            if (temporaryMessage) Vue.set(temporaryMessage, 'hasFailed', true)
            console.error('[ChatMain.vue] Error sending message', e)
    checkAndCompressImages (attachments) {
      return Promise.all( attachment => {
          if (attachment.needsImageCompression) {
            const compressedImageBlob = await compressImage(attachment.url)
            const fileNameWithoutExtension ='.').slice(0, -1).join('.')
            const extension = compressedImageBlob.type.split('/')[1]
            return {
              mimeType: compressedImageBlob.type,
              name: `${fileNameWithoutExtension}.${extension}`,
              size: compressedImageBlob.size,
              url: URL.createObjectURL(compressedImageBlob),
              compressedBlob: compressedImageBlob
          } else return attachment
    async scrollToMessage (messageHash, effect = true) {
      if (!messageHash || !this.messages.length) return

      const scrollAndHighlight = (index) => {
        const allMessageEls = document.querySelectorAll('.c-body-conversation > .c-message')
        const eleMessage = allMessageEls[index]
        const targetIsLatestMessage = index === (allMessageEls.length - 1)
        const eleTarget = targetIsLatestMessage ? eleMessage : allMessageEls[Math.max(0, index - 1)]

        if (!eleTarget) return

        if (effect) {
          eleTarget.scrollIntoView({ behavior: this.isReducedMotionMode ? 'instant' : 'smooth' })
          setTimeout(() => eleMessage.classList.remove('c-focused'), 1500)
        } else {
          if (targetIsLatestMessage) this.jumpToLatest('instant')
          else eleTarget.scrollIntoView()

      const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(messageHash, this.messages)
      if (msgIndex >= 0) {
      } else {
        const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
        const limit = this.chatRoomSettings?.actionsPerPage || CHATROOM_ACTIONS_PER_PAGE
        const events = await sbp('chelonia/out/eventsBetween', contractID, messageHash, this.messages[0].height, limit / 2, { stream: false })
          .catch((e) => console.debug(`Error fetching events or message ${messageHash} doesn't belong to ${contractID}`, e))
        if (events && events.length) {
          await this.rerenderEvents(events)
          const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(messageHash, this.messages)
          if (msgIndex >= 0) scrollAndHighlight(msgIndex)
          else console.debug(`Message ${messageHash} is removed from ${contractID}`)
    updateScroll (scrollTargetMessage = null, effect = false) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      if (contractID) {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
          setTimeout(async () => {
            if (scrollTargetMessage) await this.scrollToMessage(scrollTargetMessage, effect)
            else this.jumpToLatest()
          }, 100)
    jumpToLatest (behavior = 'smooth') {
      if (this.$refs.conversation) {
          left: 0,
          top: this.$refs.conversation.scrollHeight,
          behavior: this.isReducedMotionMode ? 'instant' : behavior
    retryMessage (index) {
      const message = cloneDeep(this.messages[index])
      this.messages.splice(index, 1)
      this.handleSendMessage(message.text, message.attachments, message.replyingMessage)
    replyMessage (message) {
      const { text, hash, type } = message
      if (type === MESSAGE_TYPES.INTERACTIVE) {
        const proposal = message.proposal
        this.ephemeral.replyingMessage = {
          text: interactiveMessage(proposal, { from: `${CHATROOM_MEMBER_MENTION_SPECIAL_CHAR}${proposal.creatorID}` }),
        this.ephemeral.replyingTo = L('Proposal notification')
      } else {
        this.ephemeral.replyingMessage = { text, hash }
        this.ephemeral.replyingTo = this.who(message)
    editMessage (message, newMessage) {
      message.text = newMessage
      message.pending = true
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/editMessage', {
        data: { hash: message.hash, createdHeight: message.height, text: newMessage }
      }).catch((e) => console.error(`Error while editing message(${message.hash}) in chatroom(${contractID})`, e))
    pinToChannel (message) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/pinMessage', {
        data: { message }
      }).catch((e) => console.error(`Error while pinning message(${message.hash}) in chatroom(${contractID})`, e))
    async unpinFromChannel (hash) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      const promptConfig = {
        heading: L('Remove pinned message'),
        question: L('Are you sure you want to remove this pinned message?'),
        primaryButton: L('Yes'),
        secondaryButton: L('Cancel')
      const primaryButtonSelected = await sbp('gi.ui/prompt', promptConfig)
      if (primaryButtonSelected) {
        sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/unpinMessage', {
          data: { hash }
        }).catch((e) => console.error(`Error while un-pinning message(${hash}) in chatroom(${contractID})`, e))
    async deleteMessage (message) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      const manifestCids = (message.attachments || []).map(attachment => attachment.downloadData.manifestCid)
      const question = message.attachments?.length
        ? L('Are you sure you want to delete this message and it\'s file attachments permanently?')
        : L('Are you sure you want to delete this message permanently?')
      const promptConfig = {
        heading: L('Delete message'),
        primaryButton: L('Yes'),
        secondaryButton: L('Cancel')
      const primaryButtonSelected = await sbp('gi.ui/prompt', promptConfig)
      if (primaryButtonSelected) {
        sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/deleteMessage', {
          data: { hash: message.hash, manifestCids, messageSender: message.from }
        }).catch((e) => console.error(`Error while deleting message(${message.hash}) for chatroom(${contractID})`, e))
    async deleteAttachment (message, manifestCid) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      const { from, hash } = message
      const shouldDeleteMessageInstead = !message.text && message.attachments?.length === 1
      if (shouldDeleteMessageInstead) {
      const promptConfig = {
        heading: L('Delete file'),
        question: L('Are you sure you want to delete this file permanently?'),
        primaryButton: L('Yes'),
        secondaryButton: L('Cancel')
      const primaryButtonSelected = await sbp('gi.ui/prompt', promptConfig)
      const sendDeleteAttachmentFeedback = (action) => {
        sbp('', DELETE_ATTACHMENT_FEEDBACK, { action, manifestCid })
      if (primaryButtonSelected) {
        const data = { hash, manifestCid, messageSender: from }
        sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/deleteAttachment', { contractID, data })
          .then(() => sendDeleteAttachmentFeedback('complete'))
          .catch((e) => {
            console.error(`Error while deleting attachment(${manifestCid}) of message(${hash}) for chatroom(${contractID})`, e)
      } else {
    changeDay (index) {
      const conv = this.messages
      if (index > 0 && index <= conv.length) {
        const prev = new Date(conv[index - 1].datetime)
        const current = new Date(conv[index].datetime)
        return prev.getDay() !== current.getDay()
      } else return false
    isNew (msgHash) {
      return this.ephemeral.startedUnreadMessageHash === msgHash
    addEmoticon (message, emoticon) {
      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      sbp('gi.actions/chatroom/makeEmotion', {
        data: { hash: message.hash, emoticon }
      }).catch((e) => console.error(`Error while adding emotion for ${contractID}`, e))
    async generateNewChatRoomState (shouldClearMessages = false, height) {
      const state = await sbp('chelonia/contract/state', this.renderingChatRoomId, height) || {}
      return {
        settings: state.settings || {},
        attributes: state.attributes || {},
        members: state.members || {},
        _vm: state._vm,
        messages: shouldClearMessages ? [] : state.messages,
        pinnedMessages: [],
        renderingContext: true
    async initializeState (forceClearMessages = false) {
      const chatroomID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      const messageState = await this.generateNewChatRoomState(forceClearMessages)
      this.latestEvents = []
      Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', messageState)
    skeletonState (chatRoomId) {
      const state = sbp('state/vuex/state')[chatRoomId] || {}
      const messageState = {
        settings: state.settings || {},
        attributes: state.attributes || {},
        members: state.members || {},
        _vm: state._vm,
        messages: [],
        pinnedMessages: [],
        renderingContext: true
      this.latestEvents = []
      Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', messageState)
    async renderMoreMessages () {
      const chatRoomID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      const limit = this.chatRoomSettings?.actionsPerPage || CHATROOM_ACTIONS_PER_PAGE
      const readUntilPosition = this.currentChatRoomReadUntil?.messageHash
      const { mhash } = this.$route.query
      const messageHashToScroll = mhash || this.currentChatRoomScrollPosition || readUntilPosition
      let events = []
      if (!this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated) {
        const shouldLoadMoreEvents = messageHashToScroll && this.messages.findIndex(msg => msg.hash === messageHashToScroll) < 0
        if (shouldLoadMoreEvents) {
          const { height: latestHeight } = await sbp('chelonia/out/latestHEADInfo', chatRoomID)
          events = await sbp('chelonia/out/eventsBetween', chatRoomID, messageHashToScroll, latestHeight, limit, { stream: false })
      } else if (this.latestEvents.length) {
        const beforeHeight = GIMessage.deserializeHEAD(this.latestEvents[0]).head.height
        events = await sbp('chelonia/out/eventsBefore', chatRoomID, Math.max(0, beforeHeight - 1), limit, { stream: false })
      } else {
        let sinceHeight = 0
        const { height: latestHeight } = await sbp('chelonia/out/latestHEADInfo', chatRoomID)
        if (this.messages.length) sinceHeight = Math.max(0, this.messages[0].height - limit)
        events = await sbp('chelonia/out/eventsAfter', chatRoomID, sinceHeight, latestHeight - sinceHeight + 1, undefined, { stream: false })

      if (events.length) await this.rerenderEvents(events)

      if (!this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated) {
        this.ephemeral.scrollHashOnInitialLoad = messageHashToScroll

      return events.length > 0 && GIMessage.deserializeHEAD(events[0]).head.height === 0
    async rerenderEvents (events) {
      if (!this.latestEvents.length) {
        this.latestEvents = events
      } else if (events.length > 1) {

      const contractID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      if (this.latestEvents.length > 0) {
        const entryHeight = GIMessage.deserializeHEAD(this.latestEvents[0]).head.height
        let state = await this.generateNewChatRoomState(true, entryHeight)
        for (const event of this.latestEvents) {
          state = await sbp('chelonia/in/processMessage', event, state)
        Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', state)
    async setInitMessages () {
      const chatRoomId = this.currentChatRoomId
      if (chatRoomId) {
        this.chatroomSwitchQueue.push({ chatRoomId, summary: cloneDeep(this.summary) })
        await this.processSwitchQueue()
    setStartNewMessageIndex () {
      this.ephemeral.startedUnreadMessageHash = null
      if (this.currentChatRoomReadUntil) {
        const index = this.messages.findIndex(msg => msg.height > this.currentChatRoomReadUntil.createdHeight)
        if (index >= 0) {
          for (let i = index; i < this.messages.length; i++) {
            const message = this.messages[i]
            if (!this.isMsgSender(message.from)) {
              this.ephemeral.startedUnreadMessageHash = message.hash
    updateReadUntilMessageHash ({ messageHash, createdHeight }) {
      const chatRoomID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      if (chatRoomID && this.renderingSummary.isJoined) {
        if (this.currentChatRoomReadUntil?.createdHeight >= createdHeight) return
        sbp('gi.actions/identity/kv/setChatRoomReadUntil', {
          contractID: chatRoomID, messageHash, createdHeight
        }).catch(e => console.error('[ChatMain.vue] Error setting read until', e))
    listenChatRoomActions (contractID, message) {
      if (contractID !== this.renderingChatRoomId) return

      if (message) this.ephemeral.unprocessedEvents.push(message)

      if (!this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated) return

      this.ephemeral.unprocessedEvents.splice(0).forEach((message) => {
        const value = message.decryptedValue()
        if (!value) throw new Error('Unable to decrypt message')

        const isMessageAddedOrDeleted = (message) => {
          const allowedActionType = [GIMessage.OP_ACTION_ENCRYPTED, GIMessage.OP_ACTION_UNENCRYPTED]
          const getAllowedMessageAction = (opType, opValue) => {
            if (opType === GIMessage.OP_ATOMIC) {
              const actions = opValue
                .map(([t, v]) => getAllowedMessageAction(t, v.valueOf().valueOf()))
              return actions[0]
            } else if (allowedActionType.includes(opType)) {
              return opValue.action
            } else return undefined

          const action = getAllowedMessageAction(message.opType(), value)
          let addedOrDeleted = 'NONE'
          if (/(addMessage|join|rename|changeDescription|leave)$/.test(action)) {
            addedOrDeleted = 'ADDED'
          } else if (/(deleteMessage)$/.test(action)) {
            addedOrDeleted = 'DELETED'
          return { addedOrDeleted }

        sbp('okTurtles.eventQueue/queueEvent', CHATROOM_EVENTS, async () => {
          if (contractID !== this.renderingChatRoomId) return

          if (message.direction() === 'incoming') {
            const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(message.hash(), this.messages)
            if (msgIndex !== -1 && !this.messages[msgIndex].pending) return

          const { addedOrDeleted } = isMessageAddedOrDeleted(message)
          if (addedOrDeleted === 'DELETED') {
            const messageHash =
            const msgIndex = findMessageIdx(messageHash, this.messages)
            if (msgIndex !== -1) {
              document.querySelectorAll('.c-body-conversation > .c-message')[msgIndex]?.classList.add('c-disappeared')
              await delay(500)

          const serializedMessage = message.serialize()
          const newContractState = await sbp('chelonia/in/processMessage', serializedMessage, this.messageState.contract)
          Vue.set(this.messageState, 'contract', newContractState)

          if (this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance < 50) {
            if (addedOrDeleted === 'ADDED' && this.messages.length) {
              const isScrollable = this.$refs.conversation &&
                this.$refs.conversation.scrollHeight !== this.$refs.conversation.clientHeight
              if (isScrollable) {
              } else {
                const msg = this.messages.filter(m => !m.pending && !m.hasFailed).pop()
                if (msg) this.updateReadUntilMessageHash({ messageHash: msg.hash, createdHeight: msg.height })
    resizeEventHandler () {
      const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01'--vh', `${vh}px`)
      if (this.ephemeral.scrolledDistance < 40) this.throttledJumpToLatest(this)
    throttledJumpToLatest: throttle(function (_this) {
    }, 40),
    async processSwitchQueue () {
      if (this.isProcessingSwitch || this.chatroomSwitchQueue.length === 0) return

      this.isProcessingSwitch = true
      const target = this.chatroomSwitchQueue[this.chatroomSwitchQueue.length - 1]
      this.chatroomSwitchQueue = []
      this.renderingChatRoomId = target.chatRoomId
      this.renderingSummary = target.summary
      await this.initializeState(true)
      this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated = false
      if (this.$refs['infinite-loading']) {
      this.isProcessingSwitch = false
      if (this.chatroomSwitchQueue.length > 0) this.processSwitchQueue()
    infiniteHandler ($state) {
      this.ephemeral.infiniteLoading = $state
      if (this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated === undefined) return
      if (this.currentChatRoomId !== this.renderingChatRoomId) return
      const chatRoomID = this.renderingChatRoomId
      sbp('okTurtles.eventQueue/queueEvent', CHATROOM_EVENTS, async () => {
        try {
          const completed = await this.renderMoreMessages()
          if (completed === true) {
            if (this.messages.length) $state.loaded()
            if (!this.$refs.conversation ||
                this.$refs.conversation.scrollHeight === this.$refs.conversation.clientHeight) {
              const msg = this.messages.filter(m => !m.pending && !m.hasFailed).pop()
              if (msg) this.updateReadUntilMessageHash({ messageHash: msg.hash, createdHeight: msg.height })
          } else if (completed === false) {
          if (completed !== undefined && !this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated) {
            this.ephemeral.messagesInitiated = true
            if (this.ephemeral.scrollHashOnInitialLoad) {
              const scrollingToSpecificMessage = this.$route.query?.mhash === this.ephemeral.scrollHashOnInitialLoad
              this.$nextTick(() => {
                this.updateScroll(this.ephemeral.scrollHashOnInitialLoad, scrollingToSpecificMessage)
                if (scrollingToSpecificMessage) {
                  const newQuery = { ...this.$route.query }
                  delete newQuery.mhash
                  this.$router.replace({ query: newQuery })
                this.ephemeral.scrollHashOnInitialLoad = null
        } catch (e) {
          console.error('ChatMain infiniteHandler() error:', e)
    onChatScroll () {
    refreshContent: debounce(function () {
      this.setInitMessages().catch(e => console.error('[ChatMain.vue] refreshContent error', e))
    }, 250),
    dragStartHandler (e) {
      if (!this.dndState.isActive) this.dndState.isActive = true
      e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy'
    dragEndHandler (e) {
      if (this.dndState.isActive) {
        this.dndState.isActive = false
        e?.dataTransfer.files?.length &&
          this.$refs.sendArea.fileAttachmentHandler(e?.dataTransfer.files, true)
  provide () {
    return {
      chatMessageUtils: {
        scrollToMessage: this.scrollToMessage
  watch: {
    summary (to, from) {
      const toChatRoomId = to.chatRoomID
      const fromChatRoomId = from.chatRoomID
      if (toChatRoomId !== fromChatRoomId) {
        this.chatroomSwitchQueue.push({ chatRoomId: toChatRoomId, summary: cloneDeep(to) })

<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "@assets/style/_variables.scss";

.c-chat-main {
  height: 100%;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  overflow: hidden;
  border-radius: 10px;
  position: relative;

  &.is-dnd-active {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 0;

.c-body {
  display: flex;
  flex-grow: 1;
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: flex-end;
  width: calc(100% + 1rem);
  position: relative;
  min-height: 0;

  &::before {
    content: "";
    width: 100%;
    height: 2.5rem;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1;
    top: 0;
    background: linear-gradient(180deg, $background_0 0%, $background_0_opacity_0 100%);

.c-body-conversation {
  margin-right: 1rem;
  padding: 10rem 0 1rem 0;
  overflow: hidden auto;
  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

.c-divider {
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
  margin: 1rem 0;

  span {
    background: $background_0;
    position: relative;
    padding: 0.5rem;
    color: $text_1;
    font-size: $size_5;

    + .c-new {
      position: absolute;
      right: 0;
      top: -0.3rem;

  &::before {
    content: "";
    height: 1px;
    width: 100%;
    background-color: $general_0;
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: 50%;

  &.is-new {
    span {
      color: $primary_0;

    &::before {
      background-color: $primary_0;

  .c-new {
    font-weight: bold;

.c-footer {
  flex-shrink: 0;

.c-invisible {
  visibility: hidden;

.c-initializing {
  position: absolute;
  width: calc(100% - 1rem);
  height: 3rem;

  &::after {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    width: 2rem;
    height: 2rem;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-top-color: transparent;
    border-radius: 50%;
    color: $general_0;
    animation: loadSpin 1.75s infinite linear;

taoeffect pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 5, 2025
* add ChatMainNew.vue for diffing purpose

* add temp ChatMainNew.vue

* Delete a temp file and Fix ChatMain.vue

* some more updates to ephemeral.renderingChatRoomId

* polish some comments

* delete the unused temp file

* remove nonReactive field

* update PR for the feedbacks

* resolve some feedbacks

* remove unnecessary block in the summary watcher

* update for change requests
taoeffect pushed a commit that referenced this issue Mar 6, 2025
* some bug-fixes

* cypress fix

* add comment
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App:Frontend Kind:Enhancement Improvements, new features, performance upgrades, etc. Level:Advanced Note:UI/UX Priority:High
None yet

Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.

2 participants