You can use the script ./scripts/
which will handle
everything (incrementation, git tag creation, changelog update).
First you need to install bumpversion using pip::
sudo pip install bumpversion
Assuming work is done in the devel branch.
git checkout master
git merge devel
Should be no conflict but... Make sure changelog is up to date.
Warning Make sure that there is no dirty file (not committed) before the following.
./scripts/ release # will do -> 2.7.0 + git tag + changelog
git push
gem build kameleon-builder.gemspec
gem push kameleon-builder-2.7.0.gem
Note: You need a rubygem account and the owner has to give you permissions so that you can push. To do so, create an account on and ask an owner to do the following command::
gem owner kameleon-builder -a [email protected]
That's all :)
git checkout devel
git rebase master
Create the new devel version (e.g. 2.7.0 dev)
./scripts/ newversion patch # 2.6.7 ->
At this point, do work, commit, and so on. And same as above to build "devel" gem and use them locally, or push them if really wanted.
Up to the time to build a new stable version.