All providers must extend AbstractProvider, and implement the declared abstract methods.
The following providers are available:
These are as many OAuth 2 services as we plan to support officially. Maintaining a wide selection of providers damages our ability to make this package the best it can be.
Gateway | Composer Package | Maintainer |
league/oauth2-facebook | Sammy Kaye Powers | |
Github | league/oauth2-github | Steven Maguire |
league/oauth2-google | Woody Gilk | |
league/oauth2-instagram | Steven Maguire | |
league/oauth2-linkedin | Steven Maguire |
If you would like to support other providers, please make them available as a Composer package, then link to them below.
These providers allow integration with other providers not supported by oauth2-client
. They may require an older version
so please help them out with a pull request if you notice this.
Gateway | Composer Package | Maintainer |
Amazon | lemonstand/oauth2-amazon | LemonStand |
Auth0 | riskio/oauth2-auth0 | Riskio | | depotwarehouse/oauth2-bnet | Troy Pavlek |
Bitbucket | stevenmaguire/oauth2-bitbucket | Steven Maguire |
BookingSync | bookingsync/oauth2-bookingsync-php | BookingSync |
Box | stevenmaguire/oauth2-box | Steven Maguire |
Clover | wheniwork/oauth2-clover | When I Work |
Coinbase | openclerk/coinbase-oauth2 | Openclerk |
Dropbox | pixelfear/oauth2-dropbox | Jason Varga |
Elance | stevenmaguire/oauth2-elance | Steven Maguire |
Envato | dilab/envato-oauth2-provider | Xu Ding |
Eventbrite | stevenmaguire/oauth2-eventbrite | Steven Maguire |
FreeAgent | cloudmanaged/oauth2-freeagent | Israel Sotomayor |
Google Nest | grumpydictator/nest-oauth2-provider | James Cole |
Imgur | adam-paterson/oauth2-imgur | Adam Paterson |
Keycloak | stevenmaguire/oauth2-keycloak | Steven Maguire | | aego/oauth2-mailru | Alexey |
Meetup | howlowck/meetup-oauth2-provider | Hao Luo |
Microsoft | stevenmaguire/oauth2-microsoft | Steven Maguire |
Naver | deminoth/oauth2-naver | SangYeob Bono Yu |
Odnoklassniki | aego/oauth2-odnoklassniki | Alexey |
Rdio | adam-paterson/oauth2-rdio | Adam Paterson |
rtheunissen/oauth2-reddit | Rudi Theunissen | |
Resource Guru | adam-paterson/oauth2-resource-guru | Adam Paterson |
Slack | adam-paterson/oauth2-slack | Adam Paterson |
Spotify | audeio/spotify-web-api | Jonjo McKay |
Square | wheniwork/oauth2-square | Woody Gilk | | depotwarehouse/oauth2-twitch | Troy Pavlek |
Uber | stevenmaguire/oauth2-uber | Steven Maguire |
Vend | wheniwork/oauth2-vend | When I Work |
Vkontakte | j4k/oauth2-vkontakte | Jack W |
Yandex | aego/oauth2-yandex | Alexey |
ZenPayroll | wheniwork/oauth2-zenpayroll | Woody Gilk |
Some developers use this library as a base for their own PHP API wrappers, and that seems like a really great idea. It might make it slightly tricky to integrate their provider with an existing generic "OAuth 2.0 All the Things" login system, but it does make working with them easier.