mamba activate
mkdir envs
mamba env create -p ./envs/tama
ln -s ${PWD}/envs/tama ${CONDA_PREFIX}/envs/tama
Command | Description | Output format |
lima | Remove cDNA primers | fl.bam |
isoseq refine | Remove polyA tail and artificial concatemers | flnc.bam |
isoseq cluster2 | De novo isoform-level clustering scalable to large number of reads (e.g. 40-100M FLNC reads) | clustered.bam |
pbmm2 | Align to the genome | mapped.bam |
isoseq collapse | Collapse redundant transcripts based on exonic structures | collapsed.gff |
pigeon classify | Classify transcripts against annotation | GFF and TXT files |
pigeon filter | Filter transcripts for potential artifacts | GFF and TXT files |
This approach was described in [@zhang2022a].
from pathlib import Path
localrules: generate_filelist, get_fofn
rule gtf_to_bed12:
conda: "tama"
"python scripts/ {input} {output}"
SAMPLES = [path.stem for path in Path("data/long_read/LUO26876.20240514").iterdir()]
rule generate_filelist:
["proc/tama_merge_outputs/{sample}.bed".format(sample=sample) for sample in SAMPLES]
conda: "patch_seq_spl"
rule tama_merge:
conda: "tama"
"python scripts/ -f {input} -p proc/tama_merge_outputs/merged_annos"
The problem with this approach is that the resulting annotation only contains 6457 genes and there are 586898 transcripts which means that there are around 90 transcripts per gene. This perhaps is a result of the way I make the file list.
The fact that the Kinnex full-length RNA kit only has 12 cDNA primers that mark each sample and we have 15 samples is not a problem for clustering. Because the primers have already been removed in the step isoseq refine
, which is the step that produces flnc.bam
. flnc.bam
is the only input needed for isoseq cluster2
. The identifier is in the field QNAME of flnc.bam
. For example, if QNAME is "m84090_240409_212646_s4/262737378/ccs/41_3294", then "m84090_240409_212646_s4" uniquely identifies a read from a particular sample, and this identifier also appears in the name of output from lima
for each sample. In conclusion, this identifier is unique for each sample and it is easy to get a mapping from the sample names (e.g., CN_1_2) to the identifier.
Clustering one sample took around 4 hours on Niagara. See slurm_log. Therefore, clustering 15 samples would probably take 4*15=60 hours, which exceeeds the maximum wall time on Niagara. To move flnc.bam
files to other cluster.
rule cluster2:
conda: "tama"
"isoseq cluster2 {input} {output}"
Clustering one sample took around 4 hours on Niagara. See slurm_log.
Elizabeth Tseng's LinkedIn page Isoseq Docs Lima Docs tama documentation
sbatch -t 0-12:0 --wrap="~/miniforge3/envs/tama/bin/python scripts/ -f proc/no_cap/filelist.txt -d merge_dup -p proc/no_cap/merged_annos"