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MapLibre Native for iOS

GitHub Action build status GitHub Action build status

A library based on MapLibre Native for embedding interactive map views with scalable, customizable vector maps into iOS Applications.

Getting Started

MapLibre Native for iOS is distributed using the Swift Package Index. To add it to your project, follow the steps below.

  1. To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter its repository URL. You can also navigate to your target’s General pane, and in the “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” section, click the + button, select Add Other, and choose Add Package Dependency.

  2. Either add MapLibre GitHub distribution URL or search for maplibre-native package.

  3. Choose "Next". Xcode should clone the distribution repository and download the binaries.

  4. To create a minimal app, update ContentView.swift (which should have been automatically created when you initalized the new XCode project) with the following contents:

import SwiftUI
import Mapbox

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

struct MapView: UIViewRepresentable {
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> MGLMapView {
        // Build the style URL
        let styleURL = URL(string: "")

        // Create the map view
        let mapView = MGLMapView(frame: .zero, styleURL: styleURL)

        mapView.logoView.isHidden = true

                latitude: 23.16, longitude: -109.50), animated: false)

        mapView.setZoomLevel(4, animated: false)
        return mapView


    func updateUIView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, context: Context) {
        // Update the view if needed

There is a an open bounty to extend this Getting Started guide (#809). In the meantime, refer to one of these external guides:


The following are instructions on how to build MapLibre Native for development purposes.

Downloading Source

Download the source and install all submodules if you have not already, by running the following from the root of the repository.

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:maplibre/maplibre-native.git
cd maplibre-native


Bazel together with rules_xcodeproj is the preferred build system. Please share your experiences.

You need to install bazelisk, which is a wrapper around Bazel which ensures that the version specified in .bazelversion is used.

brew install bazelisk

Creating config.bzl

You need to configure Bazel. Copy the example config from platform/ios.

cp bazel/example_config.bzl bazel/config.bzl

You need to set your BUNDLE_ID_PREFIX to be unique (ideally use a domain that you own in reverse domain name notation).


Set the Team ID to the Team ID of your Apple Developer Account (paid or unpaid both work). If you do not know your Team ID, enter the following command in the terminal:

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles && open .

Then select one of the profiles and click spacebar. Your Team ID is the string between parentheses in the value of "Team".

If there are no provisioning profiles available, continue this guide and let Xcode generate a provisioning profile for you. You will need to update the Team ID after this happened.

Create the Xcode Project

These instructions are for XCode 14.3.1

bazel run //platform/ios:xcodeproj
xed platform/ios/MapLibre.xcodeproj

Then once in Xcode, click on "MapLibre" on the left, then "App" under Targets, then "Signing & Capabilities" in the tabbed menu. Confirm that no errors are shown:


Try to run the example App in the simulator and on a device to confirm your setup works.

If no provisioning profile was found, you could try changing the BUILD_MODE in config.bzl to "xcode". Try the steps in this section again afterwards.

Using Bazel from the Command Line

It is also possible to build and run the test application in a simulator from the command line without opening Xcode.

bazel run //platform/ios:App
