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iobridge edited this page Dec 9, 2012 · 7 revisions


CheerLights is an ioBridge Labs project that allows people's lights all across the world to synchronize, stay linked based on social networking trends. This is a way to connect physical things with social networking experiences and spread cheer at the same time. We are all connected.

CheerLights API

CheerLights uses the TweetControl App from ThingSpeak to listen to Twitter for the keyword "cheerlights" in real-time. When a tweet matches, TweetControl updates the CheerLights ThingSpeak Channel with the last command received.

CheerLights Last Command Received

You would use "last.txt" if you didn't want to parse JSON or XML on your controller.

Full CheerLights ThingSpeak Channel Feed

How to control CheerLights

To control CheerLights, send a tweet to @cheerlights or include "cheerlights" somewhere in your message with the name of a color.

Example Tweet: @CheerLights Paint the town red

This will cause a chain reaction and all of the CheerLights controllers will change their color to red, since "red" is a supported keyword.

CheerLight Colors and Commands:

  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • cyan
  • white
  • warmwhite
  • purple
  • magenta
  • yellow
  • orange

Check the previous tweets on Twitter Search.

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