- X-Road Catalog Collector
The purpose of this module is to collect members, subsystems and services from the X-Road ecosystem and store them to a database.
The module is implemented using JAVA virtual threads:
- fetches WSDL descriptions of SOAP services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.FetchRestTask
- fetches REST services without descriptions from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.FetchOpenApiTask
- fetches OpenAPI descriptions of Rest services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.ListClientsTask
- fetches a list of clients from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.ListMethodsTask
- fetches a list of services from the X-Road instance and stores them to the db.FetchOrganizationsTask
- fetches a list of public organizations from an external API and stores them to the db.FetchCompaniesTask
- fetches a list of private companies from an external API and stores them to the db.
The following diagram gives a high-level overview of how the tasks are executed:
See also the Installation Guide and User Guide.
X-Road Catalog Collector can be built by running:
../gradlew clean build
X-Road Catalog Collector configurations are divided into three groups:
Values of following configurations are expected to be provided by service's user. Otherwise, service may fail to start. Configurations are categorized according to their usage into different groups in the following sections.
Some configuration parameters are required depending on the use-case. For
example, spring.liquibase.parameters.users.*
parameters are only required if liquibase context include users
Data Source and Liquibase Configurations | Defaults | Comment | Since |
spring.datasource.url | 1.0.0 | ||
spring.datasource.username | If database users will be created by liquibase scripts (see spring.liquibase.contexts ), username must match spring.liquibase.parameters.users.collector.username . |
1.0.0 | |
spring.datasource.password | If database users will be created by liquibase scripts (see spring.liquibase.contexts ), username must match spring.liquibase.parameters.users.collector.password . |
1.0.0 | |
spring.liquibase.user | xroad_catalog |
An admin user or the database owner to be used by liquibase scripts to apply DDLs. | 1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.password | Password of the admin user or the database owner to be used by liquibase scripts to apply DDLs. | 1.0.0 | |
spring.liquibase.contexts | users |
Available values are users and fi . users is used to create new users (a user for collector module and a user for lister module). fi is used to apply DDLs that are Finland specific. Only include fi if xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled is true . Multiple values can be comma separated, e.g., users,fi . |
1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.parameters.users.collector.username | xroad_catalog_collector |
Mandatory if liquibase context include users . The username will be used to create a new user with full read/write privilege to everything in the database. |
1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.parameters.users.collector.password | Mandatory if liquibase context include users . The password will be used to create a new user with full read/write privilege to everything in the database. |
1.0.0 | |
spring.liquibase.parameters.users.lister.username | xroad_catalog_lister |
Mandatory if liquibase context include users . The username will be used to create a new user with read-only privilege to all tables, views, and functions in the database. |
1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.parameters.users.lister.password | Mandatory if liquibase context include users . The password will be used to create a new user with read-only privilege to all tables, views, and functions in the database. |
1.0.0 |
Configurations | Defaults | Description | Since |
xroad-catalog.target.xroad-instance |
A parameter for setting the X-Road instance. | 1.0.0 | |
xroad-catalog.target.subsystem-code |
A parameter for setting the X-Road sub-system code. | 1.0.0 | |
xroad-catalog.target.member-class |
A parameter for setting the X-Road member class. | 1.0.0 | |
xroad-catalog.target.member-code |
A parameter for setting the X-Road member code. | 1.0.0 | |
xroad-catalog.urls.security-server-host |
A parameter for setting the security server host to connect to. e.g., http://security.server.host:8080 | 1.0.0 |
The following configurations are mandatory only when xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled
is true
Configurations | Defaults | Description | Since |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.companies.url |
A parameter for setting the URL to be used to fetch companies' data. Mandatory if xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled is true |
1.0.0 | |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.organizations.url |
A parameter for setting the URL to be used to fetch organizations' data. Mandatory if xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled is true |
1.0.0 |
Values of following configurations are optional and customizable by service's user. If a value is not provided, default values will be used.
Parameter | Defaults | Description | Since |
xroad-catalog.urls.list-clients-host |
${xroad-catalog.urls.security-server-host} |
A parameter for setting the security server host to be used to get list of clients. Default value references xroad-catalog.urls.security-server-host . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.urls.webservices-endpoint |
${xroad-catalog.urls.security-server-host} |
A parameter for setting the security server host to be used to get list of OpenAPI services, SOAP services, and list of services. Default value references xroad-catalog.urls.security-server-host . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.ssl-keystore.location |
/etc/xroad/xroad-catalog/keystore |
A parameter for setting the keystore's location that contains SSL certificates required to connect to X-Road host. | 1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.ssl-keystore.password |
changeit |
A parameter for setting the keystore's password. | 1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.pool-size.fetch-openapi |
10 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching OpenAPI services from Security Server, e.g. value 10 means 10 virtual threads . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.pool-size.fetch-rest |
10 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching REST services from Security Server, e.g. value 10 means 10 virtual threads . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.pool-size.fetch-wsdl |
10 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching WSDLs from Security Server, e.g. value 10 means 10 virtual threads . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.pool-size.list-methods |
50 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching methods metadata from Security Server, e.g. value 50 means 50 virtual threads . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.log-storage.error-log-length-in-days |
90 |
A parameter for setting the amount in days for how long the errors logs should be kept in the db, e.g. value 90 means for 90 days . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.log-storage.flush-log-time-after-hour |
3 |
A parameter for setting the start of time interval during which the error logs in the db will be deleted when those exceed the amount in days set by xroad-catalog.log-storage.error-log-length-in-days parameter, e.g. value 18 means starting from 18:00 . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.log-storage.flush-log-time-before-hour |
4 |
A parameter for setting the end of time interval during which the error logs in the db will be deleted when those exceed the amount in days set by xroad-catalog.log-storage.error-log-length-in-days parameter, e.g. value 23 means ending at 23:00 . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.tasks.collector-interval-min |
20 |
A parameter for setting the amount of time in minutes after which the X-Road Catalog Collector should start re-fetching data from Security Server, e.g. value 20 means every 20 minutes . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.tasks.fetch-run-unlimited |
false |
A parameter for setting whether the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from Security Server continuously during a day or only between certain hours, e.g. value true means continously . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.tasks.fetch-time-after-hour |
3 |
A parameter for setting the start of time interval during which the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from Security Server continuously (this parameter will be ignored if the parameter xroad-catalog.fetch-run-unlimited is set to true ), e.g. value 18 means starting from 18:00 . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.tasks.fetch-time-before-hour |
4 |
A parameter for setting the end of time interval during which the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from Security Server continuously (this parameter will be ignored if the parameter xroad-catalog.fetch-run-unlimited is set to true ), e.g. value 23 means ending at 23:00 . |
1.0.0 |
The following configurations will take effect only when xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled
is true
Parameter | Defaults | Description | Since |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.enabled |
false |
A parameter to enable/disable Finland specific features. If false , then all Finland specific features are disabled and all related parameters becomes irrelevant (not used) |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.companies.pool-size |
10 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching companies from the companies API, e.g. value 10 means 10 virtual threads . This controls how many parallel requests will hit the companies API. |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.organizations.pool-size |
10 |
A parameter for setting the amount of virtual threads in the pool for fetching organizations from the organizations API, e.g. value 10 means 10 virtual threads . This controls how many parallel requests will hit the organizations API. |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-limit |
500 |
A parameter for setting the maximum amount of Members that should be fetched per external API in one run, e.g. value 500 means 500 members . In the current implementation the example value would fetch 500 members information from both the company and organization API. |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-update-after-days |
7 |
A parameter for setting the amount of days after which the X-Road Catalog Collector should consider Company and Organization data stale and try to fetch data from the external API again, e.g. value 7 means after 7 days . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-interval-min |
20 |
A parameter for setting the amount of time in minutes after which the X-Road Catalog Collector should start re-fetching data from the external API, e.g. value 20 means every 20 minutes . This works together with the following two parameters to determine how often data is checked for staleness and updated in a batch. |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-run-unlimited |
false |
A parameter for setting whether the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from the external API continuously during a day or only between certain hours, e.g. value true means continously . |
1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-time-after-hour |
3 |
A parameter for setting the start of time interval during which the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from the companies API continuously. | 1.0.0 |
xroad-catalog.country.fi.fetch.external-time-before-hour |
4 |
A parameter for setting the end of time interval during which the X-Road Catalog Collector should try to fetch data from the companies API continuously. | 1.0.0 |
The following list of configurations must be included in the application.yaml
file without modifications to their
If user is not using the application.yaml
file to customize the configurations, e.g., using spring boot profile or
configmap, service will use the default application.yaml
which provide these values already.
Data Source and Liquibase Configurations | Defaults | Comment | Since |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name | 1.0.0 | ||
spring.jpa.database | POSTGRESQL |
1.0.0 | |
spring.jpa.generate-ddl | false |
Always use false . Liquibase will apply modified DDLs. |
1.0.0 |
spring.jpa.open-in-view | false |
Preferably false in production. |
1.0.0 |
spring.jpa.show-sql | false |
Use to debug SQL statements executed. Preferably false in production. |
1.0.0 |
spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto | none |
Keep to none to avoid conflict with liquibase. |
1.0.0 |
spring.jpa.properties.hibernate.dialect | org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect |
PostgreSQL is the only supported RDMBS. | 1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.enabled | true |
true to execute liquibase changesets against database during startup. |
1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.change-log | classpath:db/changelog/db.changelog-master.xml |
Points to changesets maintained by collector module. | 1.0.0 |
spring.liquibase.show-summary | verbose |
Prints a summary of liquibase files during application's startup | 1.0.0 |
Spring Boot framework configurations | Defaults | Comment | Since |
spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding | true |
1.0.0 | |
spring.main.web-application-type | none |
Collector module does not require a web server. | 1.0.0 |
X-Road Catalog Collector can be run by using Gradle:
../gradlew bootRun
or by running it from a JAR file:
java -jar target/xroad-catalog-collector-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
First create an ssh tunnel to a local port:
For example, there's a Security Server running on a machine
on an internal private network on port80
. The Security Server is accessible from the machinemy-ssh-server.com
. To connect to the Security Server from the local machine using the local port9000
, forward the connection using the following command:ssh -nNT -L 9000:my-security-server.com:80 [email protected]
Then run the collector with profile
:java -jar build/libs/xroad-catalog-collector.jar --xroad-catalog.security-server-host=http://localhost:<LOCAL_PORT>
For our example and since the port is
, the command would be:java -jar build/libs/xroad-catalog-collector.jar --xroad-catalog.security-server-host=http://localhost:9000