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Create projects from a skeleton directory.

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Getting Started in skeleton-creator


I just tested on Linux using SBCL, I'm not sure what the behavior is in others, but I believe it will work.


:conf :cl-fad :cl-ppcre

Download and load

1 - Load skeleton-creator system by quicklisp

(ql:quickload :skeleton-creator)

2 - Download and load skeleton-creator system by github and asdf

Download directly from github:

git clone

and load by ASDF:

(asdf:load-system :skeleton-creator)

Note: Remember to configure asdf to find your directory where you downloaded the libraries (asdf call them "systems") above, if you do not know how to make a read at: or

How does skeleton-creator work?

It is necessary that there is a configuration directory where the skeleton-creator will look, you can configure the path of this directory as you will see in the topics below, the configuration directory tree should look like this:

skeleton-creator-conf/     ; or whatever name you want
    skeleton/              ; the skeleton cloned while creating your projects
    license/               ; your license files, the files should have type .txt
        notices/           ; your notices files, the files should have type .txt
    skeleton-creator.conf  ; skeleton-creator configuration file

if you do not want to create a configuration directory manually, you may also choose to use the skeleton-creator default configuration directory, you can see it in the same repository, the default-conf/ directory.

The configuration file is a lisp list following the following pattern:

(:SK-AUTHOR "you"
:SK-EMAIL "[email protected]" 
:SK-VERSION "0.1.0" 
:SK-GIT-SERVICE "github")

How it works?

You configure a markup in your configuration file, they do not need to be the same as configured above. And in your files inside the "skeleton/ " directory you write it where you want to have the text set in your markup. An example, using the above configuration file for a file:



## Contact





Note that there is a SK-PROJECT-NAME, SK-PROJECT-DESCRIPTION, SK-DATE-YEAR which is not in my configuration file, this is because there are 3 markings that are skeleton-creator default, SK-PROJECT-NAME and SK-PROJECT-DESCRIPTION will be configured by you when calling the create-project function. The other is SK-DATE-YEAR which stores the current year and is automatically configured, SK-DATE-YEAR is very useful for license notices files.

Then when calling create-project and entering the project name my-project and the description My description project..., being in the year 2019, your file in the created project directory should be like this:

# create-project in v0.1.0 by you

### My description project...

## Contact

[email protected]



Copyright (C) 2019 you

I recommend using a prefix(how SK-) before your markup to avoid overlapping words that might be common in other files, such as the word LICENSE, which usually has several appearances in the license warning files.

set-configure-directory and get-configure-directory

You can configure the configuration directory manually, skeleton-creator will look at what you configure, you use set-configure-directory to configure, and get-configure-directory to get the path that the skeleton-creator is currently looking at.

SKELETON-CREATOR> (set-configure-directory "/tmp/.config/skeleton-creator-conf/")
SKELETON-CREATOR> (get-configure-directory)


To interactively configure the skeleton-creator.conf configuration file.

SKELETON-CREATOR> (configure-skeleton-creator)


Create a new project using the skeleton/ directory, when calling the create-new-project function you will have to fill in some data such as the destination directory where the project will be created, project name, and if you want to if not already set up a valid default configuration directory, you can choose to clone the skeleton-creator default configuration directory to a destination directory of your choice. Stay tuned for the text of questions that will appear in REPL.

You can also call (create-new-project: force t) which will override the project directory if it already exists.

SKELETON-CREATOR> (create-new-project)
SKELETON-CREATOR> (create-new-project :force t)


You can delete your created project directory, like any other directory with this function, so use it carefully, it has the power to delete any directory passed to it recursively.

You must call it (delete-project-directory "/tmp/new-project-test/"), imagining that you have already created a "new-project-test/" in your in your directory "/tmp/", remembering again that with this you will delete the entire project "new-project-test/".

SKELETON-CREATOR> (delete-project-directory "/tmp/new-project-test/")


To license your code automatically, you can use the license-project function, it can do 3 things:

  1. Create a license file named LICENSE in the root of the last project directory.
  2. Create license warnings at the beginning of all files in your project, and you can ignore files or directories that you do not want to have the warning.
  3. Create a LICENSE topic with a license warning at the end of the file, following the Markdown syntax.

When calling the function as shown below, you will have to answer some questions, and choose which of the 3 options you will want to perform.

SKELETON-CREATOR> (license-project)

You need to have in your configuration directory a directory called licenses/ and a directory called noticies/ to use this function. The files in the licenses/ directory should follow the default: "<license-name>.txt", while the files in the notices/ directory should follow the default: "<license-name>-notice.txt".

If you have not set up a configuration directory, skeleton-creator is aware and will ask if you want to use the cloned default configuration directory for a destination directory which it will ask you to do. Currently the licenses/ default directory gives you two license alternatives: GPLv3 and CC0.


function (set-configure-directory new-directory)

function (get-configure-directory)

function (configure-skeleton-creator)

function (create-new-project &key force)

function (delete-project-directory project-directory)

function (license-project)


Copyright (C) 2019 noloop

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Contact author:

[email protected]