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Statistical Notation

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APA7 Statistical Notation, Abbreviations, and Symbols

Abbreviation or symbol Descriptor
a In item response theory, the slope parameter
AIC Akaike information criterion
ANCOVA analysis of covariance
ANOVA analysis of variance
AVE average value explained
b, bi in regression and multiple regression analyses, estimated values of raw (unstandardized) regression coefficients; in item response theory, the difficulty-severity parameter
b$\ast$, bi$\ast$ estimated values of standardized regression coefficients in regression and multiple regression analyses
BC, aBIC Bayesian information criterion, sample-size-adjusted Bayesian information criterion
CAT computerized adaptive testing
CDF cumulative distribution function
CFA confirmatory factor analysis
CFI comparative fit index
CI confidence interval
d Cohen's measure of sample effect size for comparing two sample means
d' discriminability, a measure of sensitivity in signal detection theory
df degrees of freedom
DIF differential item functioning
EFA exploratory factor analysis
EM expectation maximization
ES effect size
f frequency
fe expected frequency
fo observed frequency
F F distribution; Fisher's F ratio
F($v_{1},v_{2}$) F with $v_{1}$ and $v_{2}$ degrees of freedom
Fcrit critical value for statistical significance in an F test
Fmax Hartley's test of homogeneity of variance
FDR false discovery rate
FIML full information maximum likelihood
g Hedges's measure of effect size
GFI goodness-of-fit index
GLM generalized linear model
GLS generalized least squares
H$_{0}$ null hypothesis, hypothesis under test
H1 or Ha alternative hypothesis
HLM hierarchical linear model(ing)
HSD Tukey's honestly significant difference
IRT item response theory
k coefficient of alienation; number os studies in a meta-analysis; number of levels in an experimental design or individual study
k2 coefficient of nondetermination
KR20 Kuder—Richardson reliability index
LGC latent growth curve
LL lower limit (as of a Cl)
LR likelihood ratio
LSD least significant difference
M (or $\bar{X}$) sample mean; arithmetic average
MANOVA multivariate analysis of variance
MANCOVA multivariate analysis of covariance
MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo
Mdn median
MLE maximum likelihood estimator; maximum likelihood estimate
MLM multilevel model(ing)
MS mean square
MSE mean square error
n number of cases (generally in a subsample)
N total number of cases
NFI, NNFI normed fit index, nonnormed fit index
ns not statistically significant
OLS ordinary least s uares
OR odds ratio
p probability; probability of a success in a binary trial
prep probability a replication would give a result with the same sign as the original result
PDF probability density function
q probability of a failure in a binary trial; 1-p
Q test of homogeneity of effect sizes
r estimate of the Pearson product—moment correlation coefficient
rab.c partial correlation of a and b with the effect of c removed
ra(b.c) partial (or semipartial) correlation of a and b with the effect of c removed from b
r2 coefficient of determination; measure of strength of relationship; estimate of the Pearson product-moment correlation squared
rb biserial correlation
rpb point biserial correlation
rs Spearman rank-order correlation
R multiple correlation
R2 multiple correlation squared; measure of strength of association
RMSEA root-mean-square error of approximation
s sample standard deviation (denominator $\sqrt{n-1}$
S sample variance—covariance matrix
s2 sample variance (unbiased estimator) — denominator n — 1
S2 sample variance (unbiased estimator) — denominator n
SD standard deviation
SE standard error
SEM standard error of measurement; standard error of the mean
SEM structural equation model(ing)
SRMR standardized root-mean-square residual
SS sum of squares
t Student's t distribution; a statistical test based on the Student t distribution; the sample value of the t-test statistic
T2 Hotelling's multivariate test for the equality of the mean vector in two multivariate populations
Tk generic effect-size estimate
TLI Tucker—Lewis index
U Mann—Whitney test statistic
UL upper limit (as of a Cl)
V Pillai—Barlett multivariate trace criterion; Cramér's measure of association in contingency tables
Wk fixed-effects weights
Wk* random-effects weights
W Kendall's coefficient of concordance and its estimate
WCS weighted least squares
z a standardized score; the value of a statistic divided by its standard error

APA7 Greek Character Set

Abbreviation or symbol Definition
$\alpha$ (alpha) in statistical hypothesis testing, the probability of making a Type Cronbach's index of internal consistency (a form of reliability)
$\beta$ (beta) in statistical hypothesis testing, the probability of making a Type 11 error (1 — $\beta$ denotes statistical power); population values of regression coefficients (with approriate subscripts as needed)
B (capital beta) in SEM, matrix of regression coefficients among dependent constructs
$\Gamma$ (capital gamma) Goodman—Kruskal's index of relationship; $\Gamma$, matrix of regression coefficients between independent and dependent constructs in SEM
$\delta$ (delta) population value of Cohen's effect size; noncentrality parameter in hypothesis testing and noncentral distributions
$\Delta$ (capital delta) increment of change
$\epsilon^{2}$ (epsilon squared) measure of strength of relationship in analysis of variance
$\eta^{2}$ (eta-squared) measure of strength of relationship
$\theta_{k}$ (theta k) generic effect size in meta-analysis
$\Theta$ (capital theta) Roy's multivariate test criterion; $\Theta$ ;matrix of covariances among measurement errors in SEM
K (kappa) Cohen's measure of agreement corrected for chance agreement
$\lambda$ (lambda) element of a factor loading matrix; Goodman—Kruskal measure of predictabiliy
$\Lambda$ (capital lambda) WilksS multivariate test criterion; A, matrix of factor loadings in SEM
$\mu$ (mu) population mean; ex ected value
$\nu$ (nu) degrees of freedom
$\rho$ (rho) population product—moment correlation
$\rho_{I}$ (rho I) population intraclass correlation
$\sigma$ (sigma) population standard deviation
$\sigma^{2}$ (sigma-squared) population variance
$\Sigma$ population variance—covariance matrix
$\tau$ (tau) Kendall's rank-order correlation coefficient; Hotelling's multivariate trace criterion
$\phi$ (phi) standard normal probability density function
$\Phi$ (capital phi) measure of association in contingency tables; standard normal cumulative distribution function; $\Phi$ ;matrix of covariances among independent constructs in SEM
$\chi^{2}$ (chi-squared) the chi-square distribution; a statistical test based on the chi-square distribution; the sample value of the chi-square test statistic
$\Psi$ (capital psi) in statistical hypothesis testing, a statistical contrast; matrix of covariances, among prediction errors in SEM
$\omega^{2}$ (omega-squared) strength of a statistical relationship
$|a|$ absolute value of a
$\Sigma$ (capital sigma) summation