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Em Markowitz (NOAA) edited this page Oct 17, 2021 · 3 revisions

NMFS Openscapes

The NMFS Openscapes

The overarching vision of the NMFS Openscapes is to support scientific researchers within NOAA Fisheries by providing training in reproducible scientific workflows and platforms, faciliating collaboration across divisions in common scientific data science tasks, and providing shared "best practices" resources.

The NMFS Openscapes GitHub org provides a shared GitHub resource to:

  • Support organizational excellence by developing and sharing training resources available to all NOAA Fisheries offices.
  • Support "user groups", such as R User Groups, within NOAA Fisheries by providing a calendar for posting events, providing discussion threads, and providing a cross-office location for sharing training materials.
  • Collaborate on resources such as "best practices", "report writing templates", "package template" tailored to NOAA Fisheries applications.
  • Helping science teams fulfil NOAA Open Science mandates: NOAA Data Strategy for open and transparent data and analyses, Federal Data Strategy for accountability and transparency.
  • Amplify as many open science leaders as possible, transforming their workflows to be more collaborative, efficient and reproducible.

More Background on Openscapes and the Champions program:

Openscapes’ long-term goal is to enable robust, inclusive, and enduring science- and data-driven solutions to global and time-sensitive challenges. We approach open science as a spectrum, as a behavior change, and as a movement. We see data analysis and stewardship as entryways to meet scientists where they are, helping them develop new skill sets and mindsets while empowering them as leaders. With NASA support, the project team and the partners, the Openscapes Framework fundamentally changes the paradigm for supporting research teams and DAAC mentors, first to work more openly with their teams on the cloud, and ultimately to advance open science! is co-directed by project leads Lowndes and Robinson, and operated at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), University of California Santa Barbara.

NOAA Fisheries is supporting the following Openscapes Champions cohorts: NWFSC Spring 2021, NMFS Fall 2021, FDD Fall 2021, and AFSC 2021-2022. Learn more about the NMFS Openscapes cohorts by clicking the links to the cohort repos (links in the previous sentence).