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Stargazers Releases

Nitab is an open source, fully customizable and advanced start page and new tab page for your browser. You can add commands (aliases), add a taskbar of links, or have multiple themes and backgrounds.





  • Main

    First page you see when you open Nitab. It contains your To-dos, taskbar and clock.

    • Clock

      You can switch between 24h and 12h format by clicking on clock itself. You can switch to Persian date by clicking on date.

    • Weather

      You can see detailed weather by clicking on weather icon or the temperature. You also can change weather settings in Side menu by clicking on weather's city name. You can turn on or off automatic weather using its checkbox in weather settings. You can search and add cities that are your favorite and then select the city you want. You also can delete cities that you've added. Weather data will refresh every 30 minutes.

    • Taskbar

      You can use taskbar by clicking on each icon, or use "Alt + ". For example, You want to open second taskbar item using your keyboard. You'll have to press "Alt + 2". both numpad and num-row keys can be used.

  • Sidebar menu

Theres a sidebar menu which you can edit some settings and review your customizations in it. You can open using "Escape" key. It has multiple pages. You can navigate between them using navigation buttons.

  • Overview

You can see a overview of what

  • Terminal

    If you type anything on Nitab, It'll open a window with a text input on it. Thats what we call Terminal. You can type and press "Enter key" to search google with anything that you typed. You can hold while pressing "Enter key" to open the result in a new tab. You can reverse this functionality by pressing "Ctrl + B" or "Alt + B". You can also type commands.

    • Suggestions

      Nitab will suggest default and your own commands to you based on what you typed. It also uses DuckDuckGo API for autosuggestions. You can navigate between suggestions using "Arrow keys" or "Mouse" and you can apply its content to your Terminal using "Tab key" or "Mouse Left Click".

    • Searches

      Nitab can also search through your Bookmarks, Tabs and History and suggests based on what you typed. You can circle between them or turn it off using "Ctrl + Q" or "Alt + Q". These suggestions can be accessed using "Mouse Left Click" or "Ctrl or Alt + ". For example, If you want to open second item, You can use both "Alt + 2" and "Ctrl + 2". You can use both numpad and num-row keys. Attention: If I ever mentioned Terminal in the following text, I'm referring to this Terminal. You don't need any external application in order to customize Nitab.


👤 Nima Askarian

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.

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