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Ancient and recent origins of shared polymorphisms in yeast
Nicolò Tellini, Matteo De Chiara, Simone Mozzachiodi, Lorenzo Tattini, Chiara Vischioni, Elena S. Naumova, Jonas Warringer, Anders Bergström & Gianni Liti
Nature Ecologya and Evolution, 2024,
title={Ancient and recent origins of shared polymorphisms in yeast},
author={Tellini, Nicol{\`o} and De Chiara, Matteo and Mozzachiodi, Simone and Tattini, Lorenzo and Vischioni, Chiara and Naumova, Elena S and Warringer, Jonas and Bergstr{\"o}m, Anders and Liti, Gianni},
journal={Nature Ecology \& Evolution},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group UK London}