A simple git extension to use git flow branching model automatically with Github and semver to tags your releases and hotfixes.
- git
- Python 3.7+
- Jira project already setup
pip install git-glow
Configuration begins during the first command.
For example, just request to start a new feature (according you already have a Jira project, with a "GLOW" key and a "GLOW-1234" ticket, otherwize a 404 error will be prompted at the end of this operation):
git glow start feature 1234
Following messages will be prompted, waiting an answer for each step:
Create a glow config? [Y/n] y Jira Project Key? GLOW Github Repository Name? [:owner/:name] nicolasramy/git-glow Github Token? ghp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Start feature name: «feature/GLOW-1234» [y/n] y
- Jira Project Key is a key that you chosed when you created your Jira project and you can retrieve as prefix of your Jira tickets (like GLOW-1234)
- Github Repository Name is same as described in the prompted message:
- Github token is an access token you can set from your GitHub settings: https://github.com/settings/tokens.
This token will require "Full control of private repositories" (
checkbox when you create it). After being created, you just need to copy-paste the generated token.
If the configuration successfully registered and you think it was wrong, you can update it in the .git/config
of your project. The following section should exist:
github-token = ghp_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX github-repository-name = nicolasramy/git-glow jira-project-key = GLOW
To use this command, just type git glow in a git repository with a develop and master branch.
git glow start feature 1234
git glow review feature 1234
git glow finish feature 1234
git glow start release
git glow review release
git glow finish release
git glow start hotfix
git glow review hotfix
git glow finish hotfix